Chapter VII - Physiology
errors, that Truth destroys. Belief produces the results
errors, that Truth destroys. Belief produces the results
of belief, and the penalty it affixes will be as positive
as the belief that causes it; therefore, our remedy
lies in reaching the bottom of the thing, in finding out
the error or mind that produces the discord we see on
the body, and not to honor it with the title of law,
and then yield obedience to it. Truth, Life, and Love
are the only demands that rest on man, and the only
laws that govern him. We say my hand hath done
this; but what is the "my" in this case, but mind,
the universal cause whence proceedeth all harmony
and inharmony. Discord is not a thing, but a belief,
and the action of our hand is either produced by
Intelligence or belief, by harmony or discord. The
so-called voluntary and involuntary action of the body
is governed by mind, and not matter. And, controlled
by Intelligence, the body is governed by the Principle
of being, in which man is harmonious and immortal;
but governed by man's belief, it is discordant and mor-
tal. Under extreme cold, heat, fatigue, etc., we say,
the body suffers, but this is belief only, and not the
Truth of being; matter cannot suffer, mind alone suf-
fers, and not because we have transgressed a law of
nature, matter, but a law of belief. Our proof is, that
if you destroy the belief in regard to the suffering, it
disappears, and the effect of what you term broken law,
producing catarrhs, fevers, consumptions, etc., goes with
the belief. A lady whom we cured of consumption,
breathed with great difficulty when the wind was
east; we sat silently by her side a few moments, and
her breath came gently, the inspirations becoming
deep and natural; we then requested her to look at
the weather-vane; she saw it was due east; the wind
the weather-vane; she saw it was due east; the wind
had not changed, but her difficult breathing had gone;
therefore it was not the wind that produced it, and our
explanations broke this mental hallucination, and she
never suffered again from east winds. Here is testi-
mony on this point.
I was suffering from pulmonary difficulties, pains in
I was suffering from pulmonary difficulties, pains in
the chest, a hard and unremitting cough, hectic fever,
and all those fearful symptoms that made my case
alarming. When I first saw Mrs. Glover, I was reduced
to such a state of debility as to be unable to walk any
distance, or to sit up but a portion of the day; to walk
up stairs gave me great suffering for breath. I had no
appetite, and seemed surely going down the victim of
consumption. I had not received her attention but a
short time, when my bad symptoms disappeared, and I
regained health. During this time, I rode out in storms
to visit her, and found the damp weather had no effect
on me. From my personal experience I am led to be-
lieve the science by which she not only heals the sick,
but explains the way to keep well, is deserving the earn-
est attention of community; her cures are not the result
of medicine, mediumship, or mesmerism, but the application
of a Principle that she understands.
East Stoughton, Mass.
Mortal man is divided into five points of sensation,
Mortal man is divided into five points of sensation,
called personal sense; these five points constitute pleas-
ure, pain, sin, sickness, and death; what would be left
of man at the mercy of personal sense? Spirit is superior