Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter IV - Creation


and Life in matter. Had he believed with them on
this point, he would have mingled amicably with hypo-
crites and the sensuous man, and not rebuked them,
and been hated for it; but hypocrisy was more repug-
nant to goodness and Truth, than other forms of evil.
The fact that Christ was Truth, error soon found out,
and the world of personal sense hated Jesus, for he re-
buked it, and chose not an 'ism, or 'ology, to define
Christianity, or to aid him in its practice. Had he
believed as others did, he would not have so suffered
from the world, or had he preached better than he prac-
ticed, he would have mixed error with error, and no
chemical change, or separation from the world would
have followed his preaching; but he could not and
would not cast out devils with Beelzebub; he might
have been a popular man, on this common basis, but
then he could not have been a Christian; he might have
talked well, and not been good enough for that good-
ness to prove itself, by making war on error, and he
would have passed for a good man. The world of sense
and error felt him, for he was destroying it; those
whom he blessed, cursed him, yet he loved his enemies,
and while they thought of him only to condemn, his
better thoughts answered theirs, healing them of sick-
ness and casting out their errors. Such was the effect
of his mind on all it touched, whether enemy or friend,
and such will be the effect on mankind, of every real
follower of Christ. His mind, pure and spiritual,
touched theirs to higher issues, and restored harmony
to the body. He knew that like produces like, that his
higher being in contact with others, changed and lifted
them higher, that Truth germinates Truth, and Spirit
imparts spirituality, and not materiality; this was the
science and the Principle of his consistent demonstra-
tion, that healed the sick, and cast out error. Any
hypothesis of birth and death, is unworthy Intelligence.
What is real is eternal, eliminated and sustained by
Spirit alone, that matter cannot express, and much less
control or destroy. All the formations of God are
based on Spirit and immortality, and that which is
formed by Soul, and not sense, is harmless, harmonious
and eternal.
Heaven and earth, together with every animal, min-
eral, and vegetable that God hath made, are harmoni-
ous and eternal. The belief of Life in matter, produces
its own kind, for it is predicated on error, that brings
forth that which is sinful, ferocious, impure, and mortal.
Vertebrates, articulates, mollusks and radiates are sim-
ply what mind makes them. They are technicalized
mortality, that will disappear when the radiates of
Spirit illumine sense, and destroy forever the belief of
Life and Intelligence in matter.
The voice of Christian science crieth in the wilder-
ness to-day, with scarcely an adherent on earth, but we
also know, it is preparing the way for the Principle of
being to be understood, and its demonstration given
that casts out error and heals the sick. Death brings
not at once spiritualization, nor is it the stepping stone
to a distant day of final judgment, when a personal
God shall pass sentence on man. The sentence of
Truth against error is already passed; every loss and
experience of the falsity of earthly things, pronounce
it. Truth sentences error, now and forever, and
the final judgment to which olden tenets pointed,
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