Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter IV - Creation


that he is a belief only, and error; and Mr. Darwin's
that his primogenitors are beasts; and Prof. Agassiz's,
that he germinates from an egg. Our views will be
accepted later than the others, only because they are
more spiritual. Prof. Agassiz asked, "What can there
be of a material nature, transmitted through these
bodies, called eggs, themselves composed of the simplest
material elements, by which all peculiarities of ancestry
belonging to either sex, are brought down from genera-
tion to generation." Here we see the darkness and
doubt creeping into the great mind of the great natur-
alist, because of the material base of his reasoning;
starting from matter instead of God, for the basis of im-
mortal man, who by searching can find out God?
A student said to us, "I understand your explana-
tions of Truth, but I cannot understand error;" and
why? because he made it something, and we, nothing;
he gave to error a local habitation and a name, making
it what it is not, even an entity and power. There is
no mortal man, or reality to error; first, because man
is immortal, and error is not the Truth, or reality of
being; secondly, that these are neither God nor His
idea; all that is real, is eternal. Pains or pleasures of
personal sense are unreal, and the so-called life of mor-
tal man is a myth. The belief of Life in matter is the
so-called mind of man, that suffers because it is a belief
of suffering, and dies because it is an error of belief.
Searching into the origin of Life is vain; no beginning
or end hath Life, for it is from everlasting unto ever-
lasting. Life is Truth, and Truth is Life, not brought
to light through error or sickness, sin, and death;
Truth is immortality, not in mortality, for it is Soul,
not in sense and sin. If Life starts in an egg, it is
matter, and mortal; but matter cannot produce Intel-
ligence; whence then is mind? All is mind; there
is no matter. Spirit destroys the belief of matter, as
Truth destroys error. If possible for Spirit, God, to
enter into a body of sin and death, then harmony en-
ters discord, and discord destroys harmony; can good
dwell in evil, or evil represent good? The poor logic
and lack of Truth that would blend Spirit and matter,
immortality and mortality, sin and goodness in one
body, and call it man, was the error Jesus argued
against as the foundation of all discord, showing its
falsity by parable and proof; Christ, Truth, casts out
this error and heals the sick, beginning at once to de-
stroy mortality with its own immortality. The wicked
often return evil for good, when the Truth of being
comes in contact with their error to destroy it; there-
fore the followers of Christ, Truth, must love their ene-
mies and go forth as lambs among wolves. The sick
sometimes pass through severe sufferings in the changes
Truth produces, before it destroys the error or disease;
and the chronic sinner, or hidden hypocrite suffers
from the introduction into his mind of the science of
being, and often hates its teacher. Man's immortality
rests on a spiritual, and not a material basis, and his
health on Soul and not sense. We have no foundation
for man's immortality, if the perfect is not distinct from
the imperfect; and what evidence have we of God, or
perfection, where we admit imperfection germinates
from God? The good we are, the order, beauty, and
loveliness we behold, all assure us God is Life, Truth,
and Love, and that matter embraces all error, while
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