Chapter IV - Creation
pression, "let us make man," and "let them have do-
pression, "let us make man," and "let them have do-
minion," is conclusive evidence that God made man
the idea of infinite mind, and was the plural, Life,
Love and Truth; not a plural person, but Princi-
ple that gave the infinite idea. There could be
no second creation after "all was made that was
made," nor ever a man formed since the full idea of
God was given. "So God created man in His own im-
age, male and female created He them." Hereby we
learn, man was a generic name; also that he reflected
the Principle of male and female, was the likeness of
"Us," the compound Principle that made man. Male
and female cannot be one in person, but are "one in
Principle, and if God is a person his gender would be
both male and female, these being the likenesses of Him,
as the Scripture informs us; but for these differ-
ent personalities or sexes to be found in one per-
son, would be deemed monstrous; hence, male and fe-
male being the likeness and representation of God, we
learn that person is not the image of Him; much less
can He be in person, inasmuch as he is Principle em-
bracing the masculine, feminine, and neuter, repre-
sented by the universe and man. Gender is embraced
in Spirit, else God could never have shadowed forth
from out Himself, the idea of male and female; this
idea comes from Soul and not body, from Principle and
not person. Which, again, furnishes the proof that an
egg is not the origin of man, that seed never produced
a plant, etc. Intelligence "made all that was made,"
and every plant, before it was in the ground; every
mineral, vegetable, and animal, were ideas of the eternal
thought. Supreme and universal mind embraced every
form of the universe and gave it forth, as Spirit and
form of the universe and gave it forth, as Spirit and
not matter, and nothing was left for man or for matter
to create, after Spirit had created all. This is science,
and it underlies the harmony of God and man. The
Scriptures declare "God is Love;" that "God is Spirit,
Life, and Truth;" now these are not person; also there
are many persons, and but one God; hence Deity is not
person but Principle. Judging from Paul's rule, to
learn the "invisible by the things He hath made," the
ideas that express God, render it impossible for that to
be one person which produces feminine, masculine, and
neuter. The expression of God's gender is Principle
and not person; the entire universe and man represent
God as Principle, and not person; the infinite "Us"
that embraced every idea of the universe, shadowing
forth each from out itself; the unavoidable result of In-
telligence that said, "Let there be light," that is, let
the Infinite be expressed.
"In the beginning was the word, and the word was
"In the beginning was the word, and the word was
with God, and the word was God; all things were made
by Him, and without Him there was nothing made
that was made." "In Him was Life,"
etc., and then
etc., and then
to conclude in the face of this infinite logic, that an egg
is the starting point of Life, that seed produces germin-
ation, etc., is to forget this is mythical, and a belief
that usurped the prerogative of understanding, starting
an Adam from dust, calling itself Life in matter, and
resulting in mortality, the very opposite of Truth.
After "all was made that was made," nothing could
After "all was made that was made," nothing could
be added to the infinite expression of infinite Intelli-
gence, and person is not the image and likeness of
Intelligence, or matter of Spirit; therefore, these do