Chapter II - Imposition and Demonstration
are the lies concerning you; the louder God speaks, the
are the lies concerning you; the louder God speaks, the
higher the devil lifts its voice to be heard above Him;
the more Truth you bring, the more error is stirred by
it, until the final conquest on the side of right.
Jesus taught his students the science he understood,
Jesus taught his students the science he understood,
but they never reached his demonstration, and rose
toward it only as they followed implicitly his directions.
It is of little importance whether self-abnegation and
faithfulness are rewarded in the present or future; their
recompense is sure. There must be a going out of per-
sonal sense, and coming in of the spiritual, to understand
the science of being, and to give a higher sense of Om-
nipotence whereby to control man and matter. Jesus
taught and practiced the science of being, tested the
reception it would meet before it was understood, and
notwithstanding the malice that error aimed at Truth,
fulfilled his Soul-mission, triumphed over sense, and sat
down at the right hand of the Father, having solved
being on its Principle, which is Truth, Life and Love.
He who was God, and not in man, was "no respecter of
persons;" therefore, claimed no personal worship.
Persecuted from city to city, he went about doing good,
for which he was maligned and stoned. Jesus taught
us Principle is God, and God is Love, but Pharisee and
Priest affirmed God is person that can love and hate.
Truth that is felt is hated by the sinner; for it cuts off
right hands, plucks out the eyes, and calls on him to
become wise. The belief of God in matter, or a per-
sonal Deity, never yet made a Christian, and will go
down in a moral chemical that has already begun and
will continue until God is admitted Soul outside of
sense, and the only Intelligence.
The basis of all health, sinlessness and immortality is
The basis of all health, sinlessness and immortality is
the one great Truth, that God is the only Intelligence,
and for this Truth, the great Teacher of the science of
Life was martyred. The reward of our Master was not
on earth, and not in matter, but Spirit, while all his
sufferings came from the materiality of the age, and
were not because of his own sins, but the sins of others.
Then was it just for him to suffer? No, but it was
inevitable in this wicked world where the good suffer
because of the evil, even as the evil derive blessings
from the good. Jesus taught us, that the way of Truth
is the way of salvation, which is spiritual; material
religion consists of rites, ceremonies, a personal God,
etc., but this is not Christianity. Seventy students
Jesus sent forth whom he had faithfully taught; but of
twelve only have we any especial record, and one of
those had a devil. His final crucifixion drew near, the
hour of triumph over personal sense, and all the pangs
this world could occasion – the hour that gave the
highest proof of the science of being, proof so important
to mankind. Judas thought to take advantage of the
world's ingratitude to his teacher, and betray him into
the hands of his enemies for thirty pieces and the smile
of a Pharisee. Well did the pitiful traitor know his
time, for the world was then in mystery concerning
him and his teachings. Perhaps Judas feared the period
approached that should reveal the great goodness which
enabled his Master to demonstrate above him, and to
rebuke the sinner as none other could; the moral dis-
tance between himself and his teacher had already cre-
ated his enmity, wherein greed for gold held empire
over gratitude. He also knew the sensuous world loved