Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter II - Imposition and Demonstration


called brains, and personal sense. Error is the opposite
of Intelligence and imitates it only by falsehood, calling
Principle, person, God, man; thus pre-supposing man
intelligent matter. Is it an error to believe Truth? It
is impossible to do this; all we receive of Truth comes
through the understanding. The so-called mind of man
can be deranged or destroyed by a blow on the cranium;
but Intelligence, that governs man and the universe, is
not lost. Intelligence is Life, Love and Truth, and by
no means personal sense, sin, sickness and death. The
mind of Intelligence understands and never believes,
and the body of Intelligence is spiritual not material;
idea, and not substance; yea, it is the reflex shadow of
Soul, even man that is "the image and likeness of
God;" what besides this we name man, is but a belief
and error, dust to dust. Hereby we learn a lie is all
the satan there is, and marking its footsteps we gain
this proof, all the discords of earth proceed from false
conceptions of God and man; besides, falsehood preys
on harmony in society, and hides individual character.
Truth is generally unperceived, because a lie is a more
natural conclusion for the wicked. Expose sin, and it
turns the lie on you; a sinner for the time prospers in
secret wrong-doing until the final hour that "whatso-
ever is hidden shall be revealed." We must tell the
Truth concerning sin and sinners, because of the moral
necessity not to cover iniquity; they will deny what
we say, of course, but at the same time it produces the
desired effect, and we receive our reward, for it intro-
duces new light and makes sinners afraid to repeat the
offence when they are found out. The higher you rise
in the scale of Truth, the more intense and multiplied
are the lies concerning you; the louder God speaks, the
higher the devil lifts its voice to be heard above Him;
the more Truth you bring, the more error is stirred by
it, until the final conquest on the side of right.
Jesus taught his students the science he understood,
but they never reached his demonstration, and rose
toward it only as they followed implicitly his directions.
It is of little importance whether self-abnegation and
faithfulness are rewarded in the present or future; their
recompense is sure. There must be a going out of per-
sonal sense, and coming in of the spiritual, to understand
the science of being, and to give a higher sense of Om-
nipotence whereby to control man and matter. Jesus
taught and practiced the science of being, tested the
reception it would meet before it was understood, and
notwithstanding the malice that error aimed at Truth,
fulfilled his Soul-mission, triumphed over sense, and sat
down at the right hand of the Father, having solved
being on its Principle, which is Truth, Life and Love.
He who was God, and not in man, was "no respecter of
persons;" therefore, claimed no personal worship.
Persecuted from city to city, he went about doing good,
for which he was maligned and stoned. Jesus taught
us Principle is God, and God is Love, but Pharisee and
Priest affirmed God is person that can love and hate.
Truth that is felt is hated by the sinner; for it cuts off
right hands, plucks out the eyes, and calls on him to
become wise. The belief of God in matter, or a per-
sonal Deity, never yet made a Christian, and will go
down in a moral chemical that has already begun and
will continue until God is admitted Soul outside of
sense, and the only Intelligence.
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