Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter II - Imposition and Demonstration


and possessing all the tyranny and passion a belief of
Life in matter manifests, was the very error that cruci-
fied Jesus; and that to-day is shutting out the reign of
harmony. Jesus knew there was but one God, hence
that man's Intelligence was God, and not man; Princi-
ple, and not person; therefore, said he, "I and the
Father are one;" and because of this scientific state-
ment, and the demonstration it brought with it, the
rulers cried out, "Crucify him, he maketh himself as
God," "and what further witness need we against him."
To-day this very statement is met with the same oppo-
sition from sensualism it ever was, and why? Because
it cuts off right hands, and plucks out eyes by denying
personal sense; and lays the axe at the root of the tree,
cutting off the medium of all sin. God is perfect; and
if there be no other Intelligence, we can have no imper-
fection; the only way to destroy error is to divest it of
supposed Intelligence, by which it can give pain or
pleasure. Now to admit there is a separate Intelligence
from good, called evil, is the error that admits two
powers, namely, God, and devil, simultaneous, but
gives superiority and all worldly success to the latter;
this error is waning somewhat, and to-day his Satanic
majesty is not deemed so much a distinct individual as
a universal power. The next step in progress is to
learn there is no devil; that error and sin have no
Intelligence; the Scriptures deny aught but God, and
his creation; and assert there "was nothing made with-
out Him," while "out of the mouth of the most high
proceedeth not good and evil;" in other words, that
God never made a demon, for a pure fountain sends not
forth corrupt streams, and nothing but God is self
existent; Jesus stripped all disguise from this error,
had he only been understood; he explained it impossi-
ble to have another Intelligence than God, or for Him
to create evil, and demonstrated this by healing the
sick, and casting out devils, showing that God destroyed
satan instead of making it; in other words, that Truth
destroys error by proving its nothingness. The per-
sonal belief that man is a separate mind from God, and
that this mind comprehends, feels, and exists, an entity
within the cranium, and sins, and suffers, ad libitum, is
the only personal devil there is, and the one we should
begin to cast out.
This error is not the result of brains, but is a belief
that brains are Intelligence; in other words, that God
is in matter: it is not the result of Intelligence in mat-
ter, but a belief that matter is intelligent; not the
product of man's mind, but a belief there is mind in
man, and this belief is delusion, and delusion, error.
Do you ask who or what is it that believes? Insomuch
as you admit God is not the author of error, and that
"all things were made by him and without him nothing
was made," we answer no one believes: it is only that
error is a belief, and a belief is error. The prerogative
of Soul is understanding, but personal sense has no
claims whatever to this. We need not cite anatomy,
physiology, materia medica, etc., that place Intelligence
in personal man, but will cover the ground with the
Scripture metaphor that named belief the "tree of
knowledge," whence sprang sickness, sin and death.
A belief is not Intelligence, nor its result, neither God,
nor the result of this Principle; it is not Soul, nor its
manifestation. What then is it? The opposite of Soul,
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