Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter II - Imposition and Demonstration


standing, through which his harmony and immortality
are obtained. There is neither mortal mind, nor sub-
stance-matter; mind is the emanation and atmosphere
of Principle, and not person; it proceeds from God,
and not man, from Spirit, and not matter, from Soul,
and not sense; therefore mind is not in mortality, and
man has not a separate mind from Deity, for that would
make other Intelligences, and there would be more
than one God. When Truth is admitted, and thinking
brains and intelligent bodies are found a myth, then
will the harmony and immortality of man and the uni-
verse appear. When we learn matter has neither
Intelligence, substance, nor Life; and neither suffers
nor enjoys; disease will be found a belief only, and
healed by destroying this belief, and giving man the
understanding of himself. Personal sense contradicts
the science of being, and so do dreams contradict the
daily experiences of sense; personal sense and science
are opposites, that dispute each other. In dreams you
fly, or meet a far-off friend, and hold your body with
your mind, carrying it through the air, or over the
ocean, and this dream of sleep is nearer man's being in
science, than the waking dream of Life in matter;
because personal sense governs it less.
The era of science comes in on this statement and
its proof; viz., that all is mind, and there is no matter.
Sickness, sin, and death are creations of mortal mind,
that Life, and Truth destroy. Order and beauty ema-
nate from the mind of Soul, that is immortal; and the
scientific statement that all is mind, will gain its first
proofs in healing the sick on this Principle. A single
demonstration of this is important evidence.
A lady having an internal tumor, and greatly fearing
a surgical operation, called on us. We conducted her
case according to the science here stated, never touched
her person, or used a drug, or an instrument; and
the tumor was wholly removed within one or two days.
We refer to this case to prove the Principle. We have
stated all is mind, but the distinction between what we
call substance and essence, is made by naming one mat-
ter, and the other mind.
Christ understanding that Soul and body are Intelli-
gence and its idea, destroyed the belief that matter is
something to be feared, and that sickness and death are
superior to harmony and Life. His kingdom was not
of this world, he understood himself, Soul, and not
body, therefore he triumphed over the flesh, over sin
and death. He came to teach and fulfill this Truth,
that established the kingdom of heaven, or reign of har-
mony on earth. The demonstration he made of this
Principle and Truth of being, is the strongest proof
that God is the only Intelligence that produces a perfect
man, and is the Life that is without death, and holiness
without sin. Only the science of being reveals the
possibility of meeting the command, "Be ye perfect
even as your Father in heaven," (the Principle of man)
"is perfect." Let us then yield the belief that man is
a separate Intelligence from God, and reach his uner-
ring Principle of being, and be governed by Life and
Love, outside of matter.
As music is harmonious controlled by its Principle,
so man governed by his Principle of being, by Soul and
not sense, is harmonious, sinless and immortal. The
error of belief regarding Soul and body, and God and
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