Chapter II - Imposition and Demonstration
merized subject sees through different portions of the
merized subject sees through different portions of the
head, leaving this optional with belief. The question
is at issue with mankind, whether we begin to demon-
strate being in science, or leave it longer in the hands
of belief, and at the mercy of theories, – to heal the
sick with Intelligence, or hold on to lifeless drugs to do
the work of Wisdom, and call on departed personalities
to direct our lives. What we need is understanding
the Spirit that is Truth, and not "spirits," for there is
but one Spirit, even universal Soul, that knoweth all
things. Moving matter, mentally seeing, feeling, etc.,
has its scientific explanation thus; but phenomena not
understood are at the mercy of belief, and their true
interpretation will not be gained until the belief be
destroyed. Again, the understanding of Truth is not
gained by what we see, hear, or feel, for a personal sense
of things depends on belief alone; therefore the start-
ing-point for the evidence of mediumship is unscientific.
If the belief was as positive that we converse with the
dead, see, hear, and feel them, as our belief of Life in
matter is, they would be as apparent to us, and yet this
would not present the Truth of being, a body without
sensation. Soul and its manifestations are all that is
real; whatsoever can make discord, or utter a lie is
proved without Principle, and not the idea of Truth;
when the science of our being is gained, tricksters will
lose their occupation. In the onward march of Truth,
error will bury its dead and never resurrect error; but
before this hour, it may take to itself seven beliefs more
erroneous than at first, and launch deeper into the dark.
This Babel has already begun; mediumship helps be-
cloud the way of Truth; greater discord is inaugurated
because of it; a link formed between the error of
because of it; a link formed between the error of
another plane of existence and this, would be another
error for Truth finally to destroy.
We say of matter, it is opaque or luminous, but this
We say of matter, it is opaque or luminous, but this
should be said of mind that is transparent, its images
readily perceived, or that absorbs, and reflects but little.
A mind transparent, reflects the thoughts of other
minds, and reproduces them, and this is supposed to be
the work of the departed. Legerdemain, or slight of
hand, has produced more remarkable manifestations
than mediumship, and what is done understandingly is
better than mysteriously; skill is more rational at this
age than superstition. Matter is moved, history re-
peated, and pictures drawn by mind on this plane; and
that which we understand not, we know nothing of;
we say matter moves matter here, but that Spirit moves
it there; let us have the interpretations of science on
these points, and link not error to error throughout
time and eternity. Lacking the basis of science, we say,
Intelligence is in matter, that mind alone cannot pro-
duce phenomena; also, that body is diseased indepen-
dent of mind; that matter is self-acting, etc.
A circumstance was related to us by an old gentle-
A circumstance was related to us by an old gentle-
man, a distinguished mesmerist. He said to a mesmer-
ized subject under control of his will, "You have a burn
on your hand," and he immediately appeared to suffer;
the flesh rose up in a blister that was opened and dis-
charged a watery fluid. Then, continued the narrator,
I destroyed the belief that he was burned, and the cu-
ticle became smooth and natural as before. We did not
witness this test of belief, but having seen the mesmer-
izer's performances on other occasions, and knowing