Chapter II - Imposition and Demonstration
right makes it impossible. We may know how a felon
right makes it impossible. We may know how a felon
steals on the sleeper, and for his purse plunges a dagger
in his breast, but a common moralist even could not do
this. To bring the Truth of being to the consciousness
and understanding of the sick, is the science that heals
them, and lifts its possessor above such a crime; but to
control minds for purposes of avarice or revenge, sinks
a practice to the committal of any error. The law of
Truth written on the Soul is the governing motive in
science, and he who pours into the minds of patients
falsehoods for his own sinister purposes, has made a
fatal mistake that will be seen in his patients; it will
not only hinder their recovery, but render the practi-
tioner unfit to name the name of Christ, and thus make
Truth powerless in his hands; all he accomplishes after
this, is through mesmerism. Any interference in prac-
tice with the mind's free and unbiased action, farther
than what relates to disease, and bearing one another's
burdens, "and so fulfilling the law of Christ," is averse
to science, and leaves the wrong-doer only the altern-
ative of talking science and practicing mesmerism; if
sentence against an evil work be not executed speedily,
this sin is not without a witness. The mischievous link
between mind and matter, called planchette, uttering
its many falsehoods, is a prototype of the poor work
some people make of the passage from their old natures
up to a better man.
We are accustomed to think seeing without optic is
We are accustomed to think seeing without optic is
second sight, but this is first sight; even our normal
condition of being. He that formed the eye, did He
not see? hath not Spirit every faculty of Intelligence?
That sight is not in the eye is apparent when the mes-
merized subject sees through different portions of the
merized subject sees through different portions of the
head, leaving this optional with belief. The question
is at issue with mankind, whether we begin to demon-
strate being in science, or leave it longer in the hands
of belief, and at the mercy of theories, – to heal the
sick with Intelligence, or hold on to lifeless drugs to do
the work of Wisdom, and call on departed personalities
to direct our lives. What we need is understanding
the Spirit that is Truth, and not "spirits," for there is
but one Spirit, even universal Soul, that knoweth all
things. Moving matter, mentally seeing, feeling, etc.,
has its scientific explanation thus; but phenomena not
understood are at the mercy of belief, and their true
interpretation will not be gained until the belief be
destroyed. Again, the understanding of Truth is not
gained by what we see, hear, or feel, for a personal sense
of things depends on belief alone; therefore the start-
ing-point for the evidence of mediumship is unscientific.
If the belief was as positive that we converse with the
dead, see, hear, and feel them, as our belief of Life in
matter is, they would be as apparent to us, and yet this
would not present the Truth of being, a body without
sensation. Soul and its manifestations are all that is
real; whatsoever can make discord, or utter a lie is
proved without Principle, and not the idea of Truth;
when the science of our being is gained, tricksters will
lose their occupation. In the onward march of Truth,
error will bury its dead and never resurrect error; but
before this hour, it may take to itself seven beliefs more
erroneous than at first, and launch deeper into the dark.
This Babel has already begun; mediumship helps be-
cloud the way of Truth; greater discord is inaugurated