Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter II - Imposition and Demonstration


and assigned to a person, electricity, etc., its foundation
is a belief only, in which case science is not discerned,
and phenomena left to misinterpretation and discord.
It is not very uncommon to find one's self mistaken in
belief. The miser thinks himself rich, but the fact
remains he is poor; one individual thinks money makes
a man, another, that man is more than money; still
another believes man controls man in partnership with
God, but these are grave errors; the M. D. thinks his
method right, being learned in the school of Hippo-
crates; but Truth reveals knowledge the cause, instead
of the cure of disease, and that there is but one physi-
cian that destroys sickness, and never loses a case if the
patient observes directions, and yet this doctor is un-
popular at present. Would you learn His name? it is
the Science of being.
Our false reasoning does all the harm that can be
done; it admits power in matter, and divides Wisdom
between matter and God, giving them both separate
Intelligence and distinct action and power, when there
is in reality but one mind, there being but one God;
man is not a separate Wisdom or Intelligence. God
embraces all Intelligence, and enters not into partner-
ship with man or matter, for this would involve the
whole firm in disgrace, and imply at times that Truth
is beaten by error. The reign of man is not the king-
dom of heaven, or reign of harmony; for the government
of God requires loyalty to Soul, and not sense; but man‑
made views endorse loyalty to sense, and a traitor to
Soul; in fine, they have "other gods before Me."
Civilization is not without its idolatry; a drug is its
Dagon, Principle is prayed to, not worked for, and
matter controls mortal man; all inharmonies come from
this source. Nerves, brain, lungs, heart, liver, etc.,
master man; tea, coffee, tobacco, liquor, etc., are idols
to which he bows down. There is no other volition,
action, or government, but God, and yet the dream of
Life in matter denies this, and gives all to personal sense,
which would make evil stronger than good. The belief
that matter is a power holding the reins of government
over man, predominates, and the result is, broken bones,
paralyzed limbs, softened brains, disease and death.
The Master healed the sick on the opposite basis of man,
and controlled matter to issues worthy Intelligence;
primitive Christianity heard the utterances of Wisdom,
and cast out "spirits."
The Rochester rappings inaugurated a mockery des-
tructive to order and good morals. Physical signs that
manifest the infinite Wisdom contradict not Truth;
manifestations of personal sense in time or eternity are
the results of error. Healing the sick is not the entire
demonstration of the science of being, but it embraces
a better understanding of God, of Soul governing sense
than materia medica, or mesmerism. Healing the sick
in science, is Truth casting out error; yea, it is taking
God the Principle of man to govern the body; but
healing the sick with mediumship, mesmerism, drugs,
etc., is the greater error overcoming the lesser, and
holding forbidden ground stronger because of this. Is
it well to expect from drugs a blessing that Wisdom
has not? is not God sufficient for the wants of man?
Mystery is the offspring of ignorance, and oppression
grows out of governments not understood. Let us
choose to-day whom we will serve, and abide the deci-
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