Chapter II - Imposition and Demonstration
repudiates mesmerism, producing precisely opposite re-
repudiates mesmerism, producing precisely opposite re-
sults; it destroys belief, and insists on understanding.
Personal opinions or belief cannot be dismissed too
soon. To admit that error requires a certain period in
which to prepare us for the higher school of immortal-
ity, is a grave mistake; there is no necessity "to do
evil that good might come"; science begins right, in
order to end right, and it cannot begin right too soon.
Reasoning from false premises never presented correct
conclusions. God never made evil; error produces
error, and belief disappears when Truth is understood,
even as a cloud passes from before the sun. Science
contradicts mortal sense, and reveals in its stead the
immortal understanding that gives harmony to man.
Wisdom is not gained of knowledge that brought sin
and death into the world; neither is it found in pulp,
or the brains of man; this so-called mind is but a belief
that matter embraces mind.
Magnetism is without a scientific basis; it is one belief
Magnetism is without a scientific basis; it is one belief
or error controlling another one. That Spirit mesmer-
izes, or vitalizes matter, giving it Life and Intelligence,
is the fundamental error of mortal man. Spirit cannot
impart Intelligence to non-intelligence, it has no elec-
tricity, etc.; emanations of materiality are electricity,
and mesmerism is an unmitigated humbug. The im-
mortal basis of man is not matter, electricity, brains,
bones, etc., but Spirit that hath understanding; not
sense but Soul; and phenomena that proceed from this
fundamental Principle of being, are real and harmonious.
A desire to do right may mistake the method of doing
it, for belief is changing and unreal; intention may be
right, but if the Principle of phenomena is misconstrued
and assigned to a person, electricity, etc., its foundation
and assigned to a person, electricity, etc., its foundation
is a belief only, in which case science is not discerned,
and phenomena left to misinterpretation and discord.
It is not very uncommon to find one's self mistaken in
belief. The miser thinks himself rich, but the fact
remains he is poor; one individual thinks money makes
a man, another, that man is more than money; still
another believes man controls man in partnership with
God, but these are grave errors; the M. D. thinks his
method right, being learned in the school of Hippo-
crates; but Truth reveals knowledge the cause, instead
of the cure of disease, and that there is but one physi-
cian that destroys sickness, and never loses a case if the
patient observes directions, and yet this doctor is un-
popular at present. Would you learn His name? it is
the Science of being.
Our false reasoning does all the harm that can be
Our false reasoning does all the harm that can be
done; it admits power in matter, and divides Wisdom
between matter and God, giving them both separate
Intelligence and distinct action and power, when there
is in reality but one mind, there being but one God;
man is not a separate Wisdom or Intelligence. God
embraces all Intelligence, and enters not into partner-
ship with man or matter, for this would involve the
whole firm in disgrace, and imply at times that Truth
is beaten by error. The reign of man is not the king-
dom of heaven, or reign of harmony; for the government
of God requires loyalty to Soul, and not sense; but man‑
made views endorse loyalty to sense, and a traitor to
Soul; in fine, they have "other gods before Me."
Civilization is not without its idolatry; a drug is its
Civilization is not without its idolatry; a drug is its
Dagon, Principle is prayed to, not worked for, and