Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter II - Imposition and Demonstration


bers; shut out the tones of music; give to the worm
the body called man, the Principle of these survives
despite the so-called laws of matter, and holds its ideas
immortal. If the inharmony of belief hides the har-
mony of Truth, it cannot destroy this Principle, for it is
God, supreme over all; "who doeth according to His
own will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabi-
tants of the earth, and none can stay his hand or say
unto Him, what doest thou."
Matter cannot reply to Spirit, but have you ever ru-
minated on this heaven and earth expressly declared to
be inhabited by man, controlled alone by supreme Wis-
dom? Did you understand there is no other world,
you would be reaching sooner that which is real of Life,
where substance is Soul and not matter, and realizing
it thus all would be harmonious and eternal. It should
never be said, nothing but God; for all that is real
comes with God, the substance, Life, and Intelligence
of all. Principle and its idea are God and man, co-ex-
istent and eternal; there is no substance-matter. The
imaginary line called the equator, is not substance, the
earth's action and position are sustained alone by Intel-
ligence, that launched the earth into orbit and said to
the proud wave, "here shalt thou be staid," that holds
the "winds in its fist," "numbers the hairs of the
head," and furnishes sublime proof of the control
Spirit holds over matter. Even the simple planchette
is made to testify to mind's power over matter, and no
longer a mystery and marvel.
The point to be determined is, shall we allow science
to explain all action and phenomena, or leave these to
speculative belief; to admit one's self Soul instead of
body, sets us free to master the infinite idea; it shuts
the door on death, and opens it wide on immortality,
The belief that God has a separate being leads to mul-
titudinous errors, in which phenomena are ascribed to
supernatural and personal causes. Man is the phenom-
enon of Soul, of Intelligence and not matter, and created
by God and not man.
Divest belief of substance in matter, and the move-
ments and transitions possible to mind would be found
just as possible to the body; and then would Spirit
identify being without the loss of body, that we suppose
must occur before this science of being is acknowledged.
The final understanding that we are Spirit must come,
and we might as well improve our time in solving the
so-called mysteries of to-day on this Principle. At
present we know not what we are, but hereafter we
shall be found Love, Life, and Truth, because we un-
derstand them. Do you say the time has not yet come,
in which to recognize Soul the only substance, and gain
our entire control over the universe and man? Then
we refer you to Jesus, who demonstrated this over
eighteen centuries ago, and said, "The works I do, ye
shall do," and "Behold the time cometh and now is,
when they who worship the Father shall worship Him
in Spirit and in Truth"; but this method of understand-
ing God and doing good was not electricity, materia
medica, mesmerism, or mediumship.
Matter is neither Intelligence, nor a creator; the tree
is not the author of itself; sound is not the originator of
music, or man the father of man. If seed produces
wheat, the latter flour, and one animal another animal,
etc., who made Intelligence, and how were the loaves
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