Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter II - Imposition and Demonstration


on communicable terms with Life, Spirit, independent
of matter, there can be no appearance of Life in the
body, no action, animal or organic, and to restore this
former condition of so-called Life, would be as impossi-
ble as to restore an acorn absorbed into a germ risen
above soil, and seed. The seed that has propagated is
gone, a new germination having taken place, and until
the belief of Life in matter is destroyed, the real Life
that is Spirit, is not won; no correspondence or com-
munion exists between these two opposites.
There is but one possible moment when the so-called
dead and living commune; the moment called death
when the link between them is clasped. In this vesti-
bule more awake to the welcome of those gone before,
than to present pains of personal sense; the departing
sometimes breathe aloud their vision, naming the face
that smiles upon them, and the hand beckoning them;
even as a man standing at the falls of Niagara with eyes
only for that wonder, whispers aloud his rapture, forget
ful of other scenes. The recognition of spiritual Life –
and all Life is Spirit – comes not at once; even be-
yond the grave existence is but a belief of personal
sense until the science of being is reached, for error
brings its own outer darkness and self-destruction,
both now and then.
There is but one spiritual communication, and this
proceeds from Soul; personal sense takes no cognizance
of it; what are termed "spirits," are mere personali-
ties. A shock would not be felt, or sensation held for
a moment in the body, if in reality we communed with
Intelligence, Spirit, outside of matter. The only living
Principle of man speaks through immortal sense, and if
mortal sense was touched by this Principle, it would
present no appearance of Life, possess no sensation, and
the immortal would appear in its stead, and the spirit-
ual take the place of the material; even as light de-
stroys darkness and in its place all is light. Soul is the
only truthful communicator with man. Mortal belief
and immortal Truth, like tares and wheat, grow side by
side until the harvest, but to divide instead of unite
these, is the design of Wisdom that separates the wheat,
and gathers it away from the tares.
That all things are possible to Truth, is a scientific
position; and that all error is possible to belief, is
equally apparent. Secretiveness, jugglery, credulity,
superstition and belief, are the foundations of what is
termed mediumship. But the so-called mediums have
a strong hold on the sympathies of those who mourn
the loss of friends; in the sorrows of bereavement,
when thought like a fermenting fluid is ready for a
chemical change, they turn the gushing emotions into
the belief they are not separated, and this consolation
comes to the mourner like heaven's benediction, gaining
a strong foothold in the minds of millions. Hence the
hold mediumship has on community, a belief coming at
the hour of individual acceptance, clad with the drap-
ery of heaven, a mystery and marvel, its phenomena not
understood, what needeth it more, as the foundation of
a new 'ism? Perfection is not expressed through im-
perfection, therefore Spirit cannot pass through matter;
there are no temporary sieves, even, that strain Truth
through error.
Matter controlled by Soul, God, is harmonious, and
governed by a demonstrable Principle; but when one
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