Chapter I - Natural Science
acknowledged only by her children. Realizing all this,
acknowledged only by her children. Realizing all this,
the Master said, "If the world hate you, ye may know
that it hated me before it hated you." This was the
blessed test, benediction and consolation he offered Ins
Doctrines, opinions and beliefs, the so-called laws of
Doctrines, opinions and beliefs, the so-called laws of
matter, remedies for Soul and body, physiology, the-
ology, materia medica, etc. are error, the very opposites
of what Jesus taught and demonstrated, regarding Soul
and body, or God and man. This may seem severe,
but is said with honest convictions of its Truth, with
reverence for God and love for man. The door to the
sheep-fold through which we gain God shuts them all
out. Those who would follow Christ, Truth, heal the
sick, etc., through doctrines and beliefs, or matter
remedies, are climbing up another way, and uncon-
sciously, though it be, robbing God. Life, Love, and
Truth, our Father which art in heaven, teach man
health, happiness, and immortality. Our only rightful
law-giver is God, fulfilling all law in righteousness, and
visiting not on man the penalty of sin, except for
moral transgression; but destroying sin, and death, and
triumphing over the grave.
Materia medica, anatomy, and physiology, together
Materia medica, anatomy, and physiology, together
with every belief that spake from "the tree of knowl-
edge," would give death and the grave victory over
man. But Jesus said to his followers: – "I give you
power over all things, that nothing shall by any means
harm you;" the true idea of God took away the sting
of death, mastered sickness and sin, and caused the lion
to lie down with the lamb, even the beliefs that would
rob God, to fall at the feet of Love.
If man tarries in the storm until the body be frozen;
If man tarries in the storm until the body be frozen;
or rushes into the flames and it be devoured; this is not
obedience to the Wisdom that gave him "dominion
over earth;" unless we understand how to avoid such
results, we should keep from their occasion; to do
otherwise is the blunder a pupil in addition would make
to attempt to solve a problem of Euclid, and because
he has not reached this point in mathematics, to fail in
his demonstration, and others perceiving this, to deny
the Principle of the problem. Jesus taught Truth, and
demonstrated it, and the result of this was, it healed the
sick, and cast out error.
Christ is God, the Principle and Soul of the man
Christ is God, the Principle and Soul of the man
Jesus; constituting Christ- Jesus, that is, Principle and
idea. But the person of our Master was not less tangi-
ble or real, because "his Life was hid with Christ in
God," that is, because he held Life, Soul, and not sense;
this nut all things under his feet, giving him triumph
over matter, and the body, over sin, sickness, and death.
Holding himself in science, death was lost to Him in
infinite Life, and Jesus the idea of Christ, Truth, was
as deathless as this its Principle. This scientific un-
derstanding of being gave him control over matter,
enabling him to heal the sick and cast out the opposite
belief that makes matter, or the body, the master of
man; turned the water into wine; fed the multitude,
etc.; and finally triumphed over death, and presented
to his students the body they thought buried in a sepul-
chre; that body, however, had not risen, which was
their dead belief of him. The print of the nails and
spear alone convinced Thomas, who would lean on per-
sonal sense instead of Soul, for proofs of immortality;