Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter VIII - Healing the Sick


lowed a hearing, Soul a slave recommended to mercy,
whose body is supposed to be executed – are the terri-
ble records of your mental Court of Common Pleas."
Here the opposite counsel, Belief, called Science to
order, for contempt of court, and their Honors, Materia
Medica, Anatomy, Physiology, Mediumship, and Mes-
merism rose to the question of expelling Science from
the bar, for high-handed treason, and stopping the judi-
cial proceedings. But Justice, the judge of the Su-
preme Court of Spirit, overruled their motion on the
ground that parliamentary usages are not allowed at
the bar of Truth, that holds jurisdiction over the petite
Court of Error.
Science then read from his own statute, the Bible,
remarking it was better authority than Blackstone, ex-
tracts from the Rights of Man. "And I give you power
over all things that nothing shall by any means harm
you." "Let us make man in our image, and let him
have dominion over all the earth." "Whoso believeth
in me shall not see death," etc.; proving the witness,
Nerves, a perjurer, and instead of a governor of the state,
(body), wherein man was falsely reported to reside, an
insubordinate subject, prefering false claims to office,
and bearing false witness against Man. Then turning
suddenly to Personal Sense, (by this time silent) Sci-
ence continued,
I order your arrest in the name of Al-
mighty God, on three separate charges: perjury, treason,
and conspiracy against the rights and existence of God's
image and likeness. Another testimony, equally unim-
portant, said that a garment of foul fur was spread over
this witness, by Morbid Secretions, on the night of the
liver-complaint, while the facts in the case proved
this fur was foreign, and imported by Belief, the attor-
ney for Personal Sense, who is in company with Error,
and smuggles his goods into market without the inspec-
tion of Soul's government officers. Whenever the court
of Truth summons Furred Tongue to appear for exami-
nation, he disappears, and is never more heard of. Mor-
bid Secretion is not an importer or dealer in fur, but we
have heard their Honors, Materia Medica and Medium-
ship explain how it is manufactured, and know they are
on friendly terms with the firm of Personal Sense and
error, receiving pay for their goods, and introducing
them into market. Also be it known, that Belief, coun-
sel for the plaintiff, Personal Sense, is a procurer for this
firm; manufactures for it, keeps a furnishing store, and
advertises largely for this firm. Ulceration testified he
was absent from the state (body) when a message came
from Belief, commanding him to take part in the homi-
cide; at this request he repaired to the spot of liver‑
complaint, frightened away Materia Medica who was
manacling the prisoner under pretence of saving him,
but this ignorance, not malice, was in fact an uncon-
scious participation in the deed, for which Laws of
Health has had Man, innocent of all crime in the case,
imprisoned, tried and condemned to die.
Science then turned from the abashed witnesses,
with words like sharpened steel, pointed at the hearts
of Materia Medica, Physiology, the felon Mesmerism,
and the masked form, Mediumship, saying:
God should
have smitten thee, thou whited walls, sitting to judge in
justice, but condemning in thine ignorance the pris-
oner who sought your aid in his struggles against the
deed whereof you accuse him, then coming to his rescue
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