Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter VIII - Healing the Sick


Soul and body are different, but concordant, and one
cannot be lost and the other left. To apprehend com-
pleteness and perfection, we must reach them, and bring
out our model thus. Thinking of sin, sickness and
death is not the method to conquer them, and form
your model of Life; destroy them in mind and they are
gone forever; get rid of the fear of sickness, or the
love of sin, and you are rid of these errors in physical
manifestation. Action should proceed from Principle,
not idea, from Soul, and not personal sense, and mind
instead of matter; when this is so, we shall govern our
bodies and bring out harmony. Principle controls its
idea harmoniously, governed alone as it is by the su-
preme Intelligence, but for this, 'ology or 'ism would
make a sick globe. The belief that Spirit dwells in
matter, and that matter has Intelligence, causes all
discord; man is not sick; for mind is not sick, and
matter cannot be; a belief is the tempter and tried, the
sin and sinner, disease and its cause, death and the dying.
Shock this belief by some expression, or impression, of
Truth, start it from its fixed centre, and it will relieve
the body at once. A tooth ceases to pain you before the
forceps, a greater fear having silenced, for a moment,
the lesser, showing the effects of mind on the body, and
that "our greater evils medicine the less."
A bigot's circumference of mind is very small; per-
sonality and matter he believes in, but talk to him
beyond these, of Principle and idea, and you get no
response. Ignorance is the greatest foe to metaphysical
Never converse on sickness, watch its symptoms,
recommend matter remedies, or seek to learn its cause
in matter; and you will find it easier for mind to destroy,
and to enjoy health yourself, and help others to do so.
The basis of all disease, is error or belief; destroy the
belief and the sick will recover. To be cheerful in
sickness is well, to be hopeful is better, but to under-
stand the nothingness of disease destroys it utterly. An
invalid is a deplorable instance of mesmerism, with
which one belief controls another, and error re-produces
error. We admit one mind can control another mind,
and thereby control the body, but never calculate we do
this daily with our own body. The mesmerizer causes
his subject pain without any physical cause, proving
he produces this sensation through the subject's belief,
and not that it existed in the body; then, to the belief
of pain were he to add a belief of disease in any part,
and keep up this state of mind sufficiently long, the dis-
ease would certainly appear there. The mesmerizer
makes a limb rigid by making his subject believe he
cannot move it. Thus it is with the sick; they mesmer-
ize their bodies unconsciously, through their beliefs, to
conditions of stiffened joints, disease, and death, and
the only difference is, the cause in one instance, is un-
derstood to be mind, or belief, producing the results,
and in the other case, believed to be matter; hence mind
is employed to remove one, and matter the other condi-
tion, whereas both have their origin in mind, and are
removed through mind. The lame man mesmerizes his
body through the belief an accident or disease caused
him lameness, and so long as this belief lasts, his lame-
ness continues.
Sometimes faith in medicine, or the lapse of time
wears away fear to such an extent the belief changes
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