Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter VIII - Healing the Sick


gest such a quantity of food; or, I have consumptive
parents, hence am predisposed to this disease, and the
result follows, in natural sequence. The conditions
of your belief are re-produced on your body. The re-
mote cause of all disease, is a belief in it, and a fear of
it; the present, or exciting one, the circumstance you
say will produce it.
Exposed to contagion, having consumptive parents,
being over-wrought, mentally or physically, eating too
much, fasting too long, etc., you say, are dangerous
to health, and you are a law to your body in the case,
for the body could not suffer from these without mind,
and a mind, that did not embrace these beliefs, would
not suffer; the seeds of disease, germinated by circum-
stances, are sown in mind, not matter. Even as thoughts
on other subjects are re-produced by association, so are
diseases; and your belief regarding disease, and not
the circumstance, is what affects your body.
Parents, nurses, and doctors, not perceiving these
vital points in science, throw their mental weight in
the wrong scale, and injure those they would bless.
Pursuing an opposite course, and ruling out all mental
admissions of disease, they would save the sickness they
now occasion. We should recollect suffering is no less
a mental condition, than enjoying. When an accident
happens, you think, or exclaim, "he is hurt;" but to
prevent the result you fear, you should oppose your
own, and the frightened one's admission he is harmed.
Contending you are not hurt, your body obedient to
mental control, will yield to this fact.
When destroying scientifically the sufferings of chil-
dren, oftentimes the mother will revive in their mem-
ory what you are blotting out, and describe how badly
her child was hurt; or how much disease she has, etc.,
little knowing the effect of this is like fire to a burn.
We should inquire only into our fears and beliefs
regarding sickness, and disregard all else.
Matter cannot give testimony, therefore we should
not believe personal sense; mind alone reports physical
conditions and produces them. The sick argue against
themselves by saying, "I am sick"; the physical affirm-
ative should be met with a mental negative; all discord
is error, insomuch as harmony is the only Truth of
being; we must take a mental position, the very oppo-
site of the physical one, to control the body to a change
of action. We inform the muscles how to move, and
they act in obedience to the mind, or there would be
no action; so does the entire system. The sick are
frightened, whether they do, or do not understand this,
and the body, like a frightened man, runs too fast or
too slow, partially palsied, or inflamed with fear, the
action is naturally increased or diminished.
To advance in the understanding of Truth, we must
live up to our present perceptions of it; and improving
the present, we need take no thought for the morrow,
for the morrow will take thought for us, and afford
more light as we advance toward the light. When you
know already, dishonesty is error, discipline yourself
to meet consequences rather than do wrong or hide a
wrong. Truth is nearly worthless to him who seldom
uses it.
When physical action is inflammatory, mind is the
cause; some fear has taken possession of you, although
this fear is not recognized by the sick, yet the physical
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