Chapter VIII - Healing the Sick
kill him, but not otherwise. Mind produces all effects
kill him, but not otherwise. Mind produces all effects
on the body; personal sense has neither pleasure nor
pain except to belief, which is all there is to it. A men-
tal image of disease, fully formed, is already painted
on the body whereas another picture of mind we trans-
fer to canvas; 'tis the patient's fear that draws the
picture, and the artist, mind, executes it fully on the
body, but the patient is ignorant of his fear, or what
mind's images are, until they are drawn on the body.
If no mental image of disease was formed, there could
be no manifestation of disease. The belief that disease
is a power or Intelligence superior to man, is ever
ready to reproduce some image of disease before the
mind, and this image causes the fear, and the fear
quickens or retards action, producing inflammation or
whatever the nature or type of disease that prevails in
the general thought, and comes to you entirely unbid-
den, and with no particular association to call it up.
Again, disease comes through association, even as
thoughts appear. For instance, your mental condi-
tion is a fixed belief, that, exposed to severe cold or
dampness, you take cold; hence, the circumstance being
this, you suffer the effects of a belief through associa-
tion. If fevers are abroad, you say, I am liable to have
them; and this mental condition, through association,
produces the result.
Disease comes after the manner that one thought
Disease comes after the manner that one thought
calls up another. If her child is exposed to conditions
deemed dangerous, the mother says, my child will be
sick, and her belief reaches her offspring to this very
end; but she calls it the circumstances. You say, I
have eaten too much, and shall find it difficult to di-
gest such a quantity of food; or, I have consumptive
gest such a quantity of food; or, I have consumptive
parents, hence am predisposed to this disease, and the
result follows, in natural sequence. The conditions
of your belief are re-produced on your body. The re-
mote cause of all disease, is a belief in it, and a fear of
it; the present, or exciting one, the circumstance you
say will produce it.
Exposed to contagion, having consumptive parents,
Exposed to contagion, having consumptive parents,
being over-wrought, mentally or physically, eating too
much, fasting too long, etc., you say, are dangerous
to health, and you are a law to your body in the case,
for the body could not suffer from these without mind,
and a mind, that did not embrace these beliefs, would
not suffer; the seeds of disease, germinated by circum-
stances, are sown in mind, not matter. Even as thoughts
on other subjects are re-produced by association, so are
diseases; and your belief regarding disease, and not
the circumstance, is what affects your body.
Parents, nurses, and doctors, not perceiving these
Parents, nurses, and doctors, not perceiving these
vital points in science, throw their mental weight in
the wrong scale, and injure those they would bless.
Pursuing an opposite course, and ruling out all mental
admissions of disease, they would save the sickness they
now occasion. We should recollect suffering is no less
a mental condition, than enjoying. When an accident
happens, you think, or exclaim, "he is hurt;" but to
prevent the result you fear, you should oppose your
own, and the frightened one's admission he is harmed.
Contending you are not hurt, your body obedient to
mental control, will yield to this fact.
When destroying scientifically the sufferings of chil-
When destroying scientifically the sufferings of chil-
dren, oftentimes the mother will revive in their mem-