Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter VIII - Healing the Sick


away. To understand that brains never killed a man
would prevent his ever having disease of the brain; but
this result is not gained, simply repeating this fact to
the sick, or to one's self; it must be a mental conviction
reached through science and admitted only because it
is understood. If a doubt exists in regard to a patient's
recovery, there should be none about the method of
promoting it; no fears entertained that Intelligence
is not sufficient to govern the body and make it harmo-
nious. The fact seems to us self-evident, that the body
cannot destroy the body, or consign it to dust, and so
put out the image of Soul. Besides, there is no justice
in law that punishes a man for doing good, for honest
labor, or deeds of kindness. Through the eternal law
of right, we are exempt from all sentences not passed
on sin.
When the sick are made to realize the lie of personal
sense the body is healed. Faith generally lies in the
direction of material means; therefore the suffering or
sick are apt to overlook the fact, that science heals
them, and impute their recovery to some extraneous
circumstance. The action of mind on the body is not
more perceptible to personal sense than the origin of the
wind, or the chambers of the hail. Turn to the eighth
chapter of John, and you find the following reply to the
testimony of personal sense. "Ye are of your father,
the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do; he
was a murderer from the beginning "(referring to Cain,
the first offspring of Adam, error), "and abode not in
the Truth; when he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his
own, for he is a liar and the father of it.
If there be any mystery in healing the sick on this
platform laid down by Jesus, it is the mystery of Godli-
ness, ambiguous only to the sinner, or to personal sense.
Time alone is required to bring out the practical proof
of our statements; and because they are not understood
to-day, it is no sign the time for their appearing has not
arrived. Truth comes when it is needed, and not be-
cause of a personal demand.
A new birth is the work of ages instead of a moment.
Until the belief of Life, Intelligence, and substance in
matter is destroyed, man has not "passed from death
unto Life." A change of being's basis from sense to Soul
requires time and understanding; it is nothing short of
man's perfection, and what Jesus said was requisite to
see the kingdom of heaven. The reign of harmony that
science will establish, will explain the great difference
between the moral effects of the present mode of heal-
ing and that of science, and the different receptions
they have met from the world of sense and sin.
First comes the apprehension in science, of Life that
is Soul, wholly independent of the body or sense. Next,
its demonstration is commenced in living more of God,
and having sounder bodies and purer minds, until we
go up through higher understanding even as Elijah,
to the Life that is God and knows no death. But we are
little in danger of such goodness and its demonstration
in this century. Losing worldly approval indicates
not only true Christianity, but the approach of this
scientific stage of being; therefore we should welcome
it as our dearest hope and highest aim. The only
link to Life is through science; Life is never gained
through death. The chemical changes that Truth in-
troduces into the body through mind, is what destroys
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