Chapter VIII - Healing the Sick
sinister motives, or in any but a right direction, would
sinister motives, or in any but a right direction, would
destroy your position in science. Influence the minds of
others from motives of selfishness, revenge, impurity, or
any bad motive, and you would lose your ability to heal
in science, and never regain your position until you had
suffered sufficiently from this error, to forever destroy
it, and not venture again on ground so dangerous. A
mal-practitioner can never reach the standard of scien-
tific healing. It would be as impossible as for a camel
to go through the eye of a needle.
To prevent the evil of this criminal outlawry growing
To prevent the evil of this criminal outlawry growing
without let or hindrance, the community should under-
stand it; this error can lift its giant proportions above
common modes of doing evil, and hold more arbitrary
sway over minds than any other past or present power
of sin. The science of healing is incapable of evil, but
this opposite practice is as clearly proved capable of
great mischief, and even crime; able, while it lays high
claims to right, secretly to work out a hidden wrong
against humanity, justice and Truth. Malice will some-
times show itself and defeat its own purpose; falsehood,
uttered aloud, is met with rebutting testimony; but
this method of injuring others by a silent, and subtle
impregnation of falsehoods and prejudices in the minds
of individuals, to be spoken by them to others, is
"Satan let loose," the sin that "standeth in holy
places." Law cannot restrain, or punish it as it
deserves, and community will be slow to acknowledge
the heinous crime, until they learn its power to work
iniquity, and note its workings; "more subtle than
all other beasts of the field," it coils itself about the
sleeper, fastens its fang in innocence, and kills in the
dark. We thank Wisdom, that revealed this great error
dark. We thank Wisdom, that revealed this great error
to us before these pages went to press, that the years
we have labored to bless our fellow-beings be not
wholly lost through this trespass upon the blessing of
mental healing.
We knew of no harm that could result from rubbing
We knew of no harm that could result from rubbing
the head, until we learned it of this mal-practice, and
never since have permitted a student, with our consent,
to manipulate. We gained the little we understand of
the Truth of being through our own experiences and
proofs, and learned this opposite error standing face to
face with it, through another's mal-practice; shall we
deny the ability of the mathematician to say wherein
the mistake lies of examples wrought incorrectly, or say
to the musician who gives the true tone, you are not
able to say what is the discord?
Because we never manipulate the sick, the oppor-
Because we never manipulate the sick, the oppor-
tunity to learn any evil possible to head-rubbing was
not afforded us until years after our first investigations
of science. The doctor that depends on manipulation
(and he cannot employ it honestly without such depen-
dence), works from a matter basis, whence come all the
evil deeds and inventions of Satan. A cure wrought
in science is the spiritual predominating over the
material; Truth mastering error; the very opposite of
mesmerism and the mal-practice aforesaid. In science
mind must rise above matter to admit the fuller efflu-
ence of Spirit, God, that heals the sick and casts out
error, but manipulation prevents this result. The
multitudinous minds a physician has access to, enables
him, through this medium to do much good, or much
evil, throughout the community. This should be