Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter VII - Physiology


sufferings that matter is powerless to do and could not
produce. Whenever we have taken charge of a practice
to establish a student, it was not necessary for us to see
the patients to heal them; we could do this without
seeing them; if the student was not advanced spirit-
ually, we failed to benefit the sick so much in connec-
tion with him. Mind acts mesmerically or scientifically;
it is will in mesmerism, and Truth in Science, that heals
the sick. I can have no effect on the sick through
manipulation, and cannot affect them mesmerically.
Cases of healing the sick without seeing them, we record
as proof of our statement. Mrs. Sarah Crosby, of Al-
bion, Maine, sent for our aid, in case of an injury to her
eye. At the time of writing she was hundreds of miles
away, but after receiving her first letter, as soon as the
mail could bring it, we received another from her, of
which the following is an extract: –
"Since the accident to my eye, it has been so ex-
ceedingly sensitive to the light, I have shaded it, unable
to do any writing or sewing of any note. The Sunday
I mailed you a letter I suffered a great deal with it;
Monday it was painful until towards night, when it felt
better; Tuesday it was well, and I have not worn my
shade over it since a week ago Monday, and I have
read, sewed, and written, and still all is well. Now
you may form your own conclusions. I told a friend
the other day you had cured my eye, or perhaps my
fear of my eye, and it is so; though I am sure, for the
life of me, I cannot understand a word of what you tell
me about the possibility of a spirit like mine having
power over a hundred and seventy pounds of live flesh
and blood to keep it in perfect trim."
The following is a case of heart disease described in
a letter from a lady at New York.
"Please find inclosed a check for five hundred dol-
lars in reward for your services, that can never be re-
paid. The day you received my husband's letter I
became conscious, for the first time for forty-eight
hours; my servant brought my wrapper and I rose from
bed and sat up. The attack of the heart had lasted
two days, and no one thinks I could have survived but
for the mysterious help I received from you. The en-
largement of my left side is all gone, and the M. D.'s
pronounce me entirely rid of heart disease. I have been
afflicted with it from infancy, until it became organic
enlargement of the heart and dropsy of the chest. I was
only waiting, and almost longing, to die; but you have
healed me; and yet how wonderful to think of it, when
we have never seen each other! We return to Europe
next week. I feel perfectly well. L. M. ARMSTRONG."
Mr. R. O. Badgeley, of Ohio, wrote: –
"My painful
and swelled foot was restored at once on your receipt
of my letter, and that very day, I put on my boot and
walked several miles." He had previously written me,
"A stick of timber has fallen from a building on the
top of my foot, crushing the bones somewhat."
A lady at Louisiana wrote: –
"Your wonderful sci-
ence is proved to me. I was a helpless sufferer six long
years, confined to my bed, unable to sit up one hour in
the long, long twenty-four. All I know of my cure is
this; the day you received my letter I felt a change pass
over me, I sat up the whole afternoon, went to the table
with my family at supper, and have been growing better
every day since; I call myself well. JENNY R. COFFIN."
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