Chapter VII - Physiology
mind, or that mind unconsciously controls the body, but
mind, or that mind unconsciously controls the body, but
man presents this phenomenon every moment, who com-
prehends not his own being, for this proves ignorance of
mind's action on the body. Supposing a dose of poison
be administered through mistake, and physician and
patient are looking for favorable results when the patient
dies, – did mind produce this? As surely as if it had
been consciously done. Mind is ever active, for action
signifies mind and the remote and predisposing thought
furnishes a link to the present, although what we term
personal sense knows this not. Accordingly, the thought
that has risen above the verge of unconscious mind is
the only one recognized, but it has acted before, and
effects have followed this action all the same as when
the thought became conscious. The mortal body, of
matter, is but a grosser strata of mortal mind.
When darkness is over the earth, personal sense can-
When darkness is over the earth, personal sense can-
not say where the sun is, or that there is a sun; our
antipodes must tell us this, or we must learn it of science.
Thus it is with mind; the very reverse of what we are
thinking at present, is often the remote cause or belief
that has produced the inharmony of the body, and we
must learn this belief of its opposite thought or the
effect on the body, or submit its character and rela-
tions to science. We are willing to leave the explana-
tion of light and its effect on the earth, to science, and
because sense takes no cognizance, a portion of the
twenty-four hours, of the sun, never say it has no effect
on the earth, or deny there is a sun, or that the earth
borrows light and heat from the sun. No more should
we deny the effect of mind on the body because the
belief that produces this effect is below the mental
horizon, not having risen yet to recognition. The valve
horizon, not having risen yet to recognition. The valve
of the heart, opening and closing for the blood, is not
less obedient to mind than our hands, that perform the
offices of our will; but because mind embraces one ac-
tion consciously and not the other, we say the cause is
physical and not mental. Stop the action of mortal
mind wholly, by what is termed death, and every func-
tion of the body mortal ceases; proving organic action
produced by mind and not matter. Brains are totally
ignorant of thoughts; matter has no consciousness of
its own, and its propelling power is mind; all mechan-
ism is controlled by mind.
Personal sense is a supposition that matter is conscious,
Personal sense is a supposition that matter is conscious,
that brains are competent to say how much mind a man
has; that heart, lungs, stomach, etc., are capable of
determining his harmony and continuance. Soul is not
heard in all this; the immortality of man is silenced
with utterances of mortality, Intelligence mute before
non-Intelligence. This personal sense is the source of
sickness, sin and death; but there is no personal sense;
matter has no Intelligence, and Soul is incapable of
error. Life goes on scientifically in Soul, undisturbed
in its harmony, but personal sense has no recognition of
Soul or Truth. All discord is error, belief; the Truth
of being is harmony and understanding. Destroy the
belief or error, and the discord disappears.
The metaphysician understanding this, in case of
The metaphysician understanding this, in case of
decaying lungs, destroys in the mind of his patient
this belief and the Truth of being and immortality of
man assert themselves over the error and belief of de-
composition, and the lungs become sound and regain
their original proportions.