Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter VI - Marriage


The last infirmity of error that would fasten itself on
society, to see it hop and hobble under a new burden
of guilt, is named "free love"; wherein "they declare
their sin as Sodom, and hide it not," but the boldness of
depravity will show its deformity. A union of the
masculine and feminine mind seems requisite for com-
pleteness; the former reaches a higher tone from com-
munion with the latter; and the latter gains courage
and strength from the former; therefore, these different
individualities meet and demand each other, and their
true harmony is oneness of Soul. Woman should be
loving, pure, and strong. Man, tender, intellectual,
controlling; the attraction between the sexes will be
perpetual only as it is pure and true, and like the sea-
sons, brings its sweet changes and renewal. Beauty,
wealth, or fame is incompetent to meet the demands of
the affections, and should never waver the balance
against the more honest claims of intellect, goodness,
and virtue. Happiness is spiritual, born of Truth and
Love; it is unselfish; therefore it cannot exist alone,
but requires an object to cherish. Our affections are
not poured forth vainly, when meeting no return; they
enrich the being, enlarging, purifying and elevating it.
The wintry blasts of earth may transplant the flowers
of affection, or scatter them to the winds; but sun-
dering ties of flesh, unites us to God, where Love sup-
ports the struggling heart, until it ceases to sigh over
earth, and folds its wings for heaven.
Marriage is blest or unblest, according to the dis-
appointment it incurs, or the motive it fulfills. To
happify existence by constant intercourse with those
adapted to elevate it is the true motive for marriage;
wedlock gives pinions to joy, or trails its drooping wings
in dust. Notes are illy arranged that produce discord;
tones of mind may be different, but they should be con-
cordant, to blend harmoniously. Unselfish ambition,
nobler motives for existence, increased harmony, hap-
piness and usefulness, because the different elements
of mind meet and mingle, finding in union there is
strength – is the true marriage. Let there be moral
freedom in wedlock; never contract the limit of worthy
deeds by a selfish exaction of all one's time and thoughts.
With additional joys, benevolence should grow more
diffusive, for the narrowness and jealousy that would
confine a wife or husband forever at home, will not
promote the sweet interchange of confidence that comes
of love; while a wandering desire for incessant amuse-
ment outside the home circle is a poor augury for hap-
piness. Home is the dearest spot on earth, and should
be the center, but not the boundary of the affec-
tions. Said the peasant bride to her lover, "Two eat
no more together than when they are separate," and
this should furnish the hint, that a wife ought not to
enter into vulgar extravagance, or stupid ease, because
another supplies her wants. Wealth may obviate the
necessity for toil or ill nature in the marriage relation,
but nothing can shirk its cares. "She that is married
careth for her husband, how she may please him," and
this is the very thing it is pleasant to do. Matrimony
should be entered into with a full recognition of its en-
during obligations, and the most tender solicitude for
each other's happiness and approbation should wait on
all its years. Mutual compromises preserve a compact
that might otherwise become burdensome. Man should
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