Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter I - Natural Science


the light that neither diminishes nor increases, for "no
night is there." Day declines, and shadows hide the
sun, but darkness flees when the earth has turned on
its axis; because the solar centre is the same. Thus
the darkness of belief hides, but cannot put out the
light of science.
Soul is self-existent and eternal; that immortal man
is tributary to Soul instead of body, is the science of
being, but we shall never understand it, believing Soul
is in the body, or that matter embraces Intelligence and
Life. If we understood the Truth of being it would
prove Principle and its idea, that is, Soul and body im-
mortal; and instead of requiring laws of health that
never yet made man immortal, to save Life, we should
be a law of Life and Truth to our own bodies, even
that higher law of Soul that prevails over sense, and
gives harmony and immortality to all it controls. "Man
hath sought out many inventions," but none of them
can solve a problem without its Principle; numbers
are harmonious only when governed by Intelligence,
outside the figures; but ignorance might deny this fact
did not self-evident proof force the conclusion. Un-
derstanding the science of Life, we gain unfailing evi-
dence of its correctness in healing, etc. Those who
obtain even glimpses of it are convinced of its Truth,
and those who advance higher are more undoubting
than of other proofs.
How can a belief of Life in matter find Life, God?
This is not more possible than "for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle." To inquire of our bodies
what prospect we have for health or Life, is taking the
thing out of the hands of God altogether.
To suppose we find pleasure or pain, happiness or
misery, Life or death in the body, is not finding God
our Life, and "a present help in times of trouble;"
also, to admit the same fountain sendeth forth sweet
and bitter water, is contrary to our Master's teachings.
Life supposed to originate in soil and seed, in animalty,
or the earth, is a belief of Life only, and not the Prin-
ciple that is Life, without beginning or end of days.
Belief is mortality's self, nothing whatever but illusion;
we have no doubt but belief could make its mortal man
an amphibious animal. Phenomena illustrative of our
views will appear as the ages waken from the dream of
Life in matter: belief can adopt any position, strange
and new, but Life will be found less at the mercy of
matter, as belief gives up the ghost, and the science of
Life is sufficiently understood to be fairly demonstrated;
then man will be found immortal.
Spirit controls matter; when this is fairly understood,
phenomena at present so unaccountable to a belief
holding Soul pent up in body, will be explained, and
mystery and miracle fast disappear. A belief of Life in
matter leaves man at the mercy of death, for if this
belief should change to one of death he is supposed to
die, but the fact remains that man is immortal, and if
death in matter or the body, be proved false, Life in
matter or the body is proved false also.
The true relation of Soul to body is that of God to
man; in other words, of Principle to its idea; these are
forever inseparable; and when the true idea, which is
the immortal body, is perceptible, we shall have become
acquainted with its Principle; "therefore, acquaint
now thyself with God."
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