Chapter IV - Creation
is when the belief of Life or death in matter is de-
is when the belief of Life or death in matter is de-
stroyed. When the strong fetters of personal sense are
broken, man will be free to do God's will, and then will
we behold the "new heaven and new earth, for the
former things shall have passed away;" and the mate-
rial given place to the spiritual; Spirit destroys matter.
The harmonious and immortal heavens, earth, and
man, will be revealed and understood when science
shall take the place of personal sense, and error yield
to Truth. The sharp experiences of earth, and the
tender Wisdom that take away idols, help to hasten
this hour, and to destroy the belief of happiness in
personal sense. Why the pleasure-loving world cannot
discern the science of Life, is "because carnal man
cannot discern spiritual things." When personal sense
yields up the ghost, and Life is found, Soul understood,
it will be the resurrection of man in Truth; but Spirit
can never be apprehended until matter is understood a
myth. Life, that is Spirit, is not reached until all error
is destroyed.
The belief that death is the door to spirituality and
The belief that death is the door to spirituality and
Life, is the error that prevents a better understanding
and improvement of being, by which alone, immortality
is won. We gain immortality through the footsteps of
science that reveal Truth, Life, and Love, to our under-
standing, in which we learn there are no physical laws,
no necessary fulfillment of material conditions, no sin,
sickness, or death, in Life that is Soul. That death is
a step towards Life, is error that begets mortality; for
belief fulfills the conditions of a belief, and therefore
will continue to die until the falsehood and error of
Life or death in matter, is destroyed. Death is but
the stepping stone to other mortal conditions of belief;
the stepping stone to other mortal conditions of belief;
it never procured Life, for this is God, and God must
become our practical Life, before man is found im-
mortal. We see in the vegetable kingdom that the
seed must rot to propagate anew, and the poor germ
is doomed to this same experience also; it must rot
again, according to material law. The answer to the
ancient question, which is first, the egg, or the parent
that takes care of the egg? is given when you admit
the parent is developed from an egg, for that is first
which produced the parent; but an egg never propa-
gated man.
"We have no right to assume that individuals have
"We have no right to assume that individuals have
grown, or been formed under circumstances that made
matter conditions essential to their maintenance and
reproduction, or important to their origin and first in-
troduction, unless we dismiss reason and revelation ut-
terly. That earth was hatched from the egg of night
was anciently argued, and this absurdity is less than to
conclude Spirit produces matter, or that it is in matter.
Pursuing the varied hypotheses of man, we think as a
child, but putting away childish things and asking more
earnestly after God, we shall be answered from Soul,
and not sense, and Spirit, instead of matter, will guide
our conclusions. Heathen philosophy, modern geology,
zoology, physiology, anatomy, etc., deal with other or
different phenomena from those proceeding from the
Supreme Being. The first proceed from belief only,
but the latter are reflections of Spirit; these are the
ideas of God coming to the understanding, but the for-
mer are beliefs of matter. The proof requisite to sus-
tain assumptions diametrically opposed to personal sense,