Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter IV - Creation


life, and man became a living Soul." This statement
of a second creation contradicts the first one, in which
Spirit said, "Let 'Us' make man." The first record
was science; the second was metaphorical, and mythi-
cal, even the supposed utterances of matter; the scrip-
ture not being understood by its translators, was misin-
terpreted. After God had declared "all was made,"
and the creation "good," Wisdom never repented, or
repeated what it had done; there was no second crea-
tion, and on a new plan. Had the record divided the
first statement of creation from the fabulous second, by
saying, after Truth's creation we will name the opposite
belief of error, regarding the origin of the universe and
man, it would have separated the tares from wheat, and
we should have reached sooner the spiritual significance
of the Bible. We are repeatedly assured in the second
chapter of Genesis, that God had finished His work
before Adam was created; that male and female, to-
gether with all the hosts of heaven and earth, were
already made; therefore we have the authority of scrip-
ture for denying a second creation, or a single formation
by matter. The harmonious creation was ended, and
all was "good" that God created. Life, Truth and
Love never made inharmonious man.
"God saw everything that He had made, and behold,
it was very good."
Admitting He created Adam, Cain,
and every other mortal error, He was the author of evil
as well as good; but this is contradicted by the prophet
Jeremiah, who saith, "Out of the mouth of the Most
High proceedeth not evil and good "; and what did the
Evangelist mean when he said, "All things were made
by Him, and without Him there was nothing made that
was made," "In Him was Life," etc.? Simply this,
that Life never created death, nor Truth error; it is
error alone, that produces error. The belief of Life in
matter, named Adam, brought sickness, sin and death
into the world, and God denounced this error, or Adam,
and said it was mortal; "For dust thou art, and unto
dust shalt thou return." This was not spoken of Soul,
nor of man created by God; Life which is God, never
entered into sin and death. Spirit was not the compo-
nent part of Adam, or mortal man. The history of
Adam is allegorical throughout, a description of error
and its results, opposed to the Truth of being, and con-
tradicting the divine economy; it makes Intelligence,
Life, and Substance, matter instead of Spirit, saying,
"Believe in me and I will make ye as gods;" more than
one God was its starting point. Truth gives the immor-
tal idea or man from Spirit, but error, the mortal belief
from matter. The express image and likeness of God
was immortal man, and there is none other, or ever a
man since created. Through a belief of pain and sor-
row, error claimed to create man, but Truth gave its
idea of God in joy, blessing, and dominion. Error's
process of creating, bases Intelligence on matter, or
would put Intelligence in matter; either of which is
impossible, insomuch as it would make Intelligence
both God and devil; i.e., both good and evil; this
belief is proved error, in that it produces sickness, sin
and death, hence the sentence of Wisdom, "Thou shalt
die." The science of being never produced sickness,
sin, or death, but destroys them. The symbol of
error was the "tree of knowledge" which God, the
Truth of being, forbade man; it symbolized the belief
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