Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter IV - Creation


of Wisdom. Life was not in matter, and there was no
existence except to Spirit. Nothing is new to Intelli-
gence; the infinite understanding is not creating the
universe or man anew; these ideas were forever, with-
out beginning and without end. Matter has neither
capacity, right nor power to create or to destroy; all is
in the hands of Spirit, that hitherto hath wrought inde-
pendently before belief claimed, through material law,
to create and govern mineral, vegetable and animal.
Intelligence made all that was made, and was not in the
things it had made. Spirit never passed into matter to
produce a world; heaven, earth and seas, and all things
therein came from the eternal thought, and mind no
more produces matter than matter produces mind.
This is science, that God governs the universe and
man. That matter propagates itself through seed and
germination is error, a belief only, and not the Truth of
being, and belief has its penalty, for, admitting mineral,
vegetable and animal things of sense, instead of Soul,
and dependent on matter for their ephemeral existence,
makes them mortal. Not so with the universe and
man, born of Spirit; they are harmonious and eternal.
"But there went up a mist from the earth and
watered the whole face of the ground."
Truth created through the understanding, saying,
"let there be light," but error came through darkness
or belief, the figurative mist of earth, that which started
from a matter basis; Adam was the belief of Life in
matter that rose from the dust, saying man depends on
material structure, and vegetation on the rain and dew.
"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the
ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of
life, and man became a living Soul." This statement
of a second creation contradicts the first one, in which
Spirit said, "Let 'Us' make man." The first record
was science; the second was metaphorical, and mythi-
cal, even the supposed utterances of matter; the scrip-
ture not being understood by its translators, was misin-
terpreted. After God had declared "all was made,"
and the creation "good," Wisdom never repented, or
repeated what it had done; there was no second crea-
tion, and on a new plan. Had the record divided the
first statement of creation from the fabulous second, by
saying, after Truth's creation we will name the opposite
belief of error, regarding the origin of the universe and
man, it would have separated the tares from wheat, and
we should have reached sooner the spiritual significance
of the Bible. We are repeatedly assured in the second
chapter of Genesis, that God had finished His work
before Adam was created; that male and female, to-
gether with all the hosts of heaven and earth, were
already made; therefore we have the authority of scrip-
ture for denying a second creation, or a single formation
by matter. The harmonious creation was ended, and
all was "good" that God created. Life, Truth and
Love never made inharmonious man.
"God saw everything that He had made, and behold,
it was very good."
Admitting He created Adam, Cain,
and every other mortal error, He was the author of evil
as well as good; but this is contradicted by the prophet
Jeremiah, who saith, "Out of the mouth of the Most
High proceedeth not evil and good "; and what did the
Evangelist mean when he said, "All things were made
by Him, and without Him there was nothing made that
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