Chapter IV - Creation
a mineral, vegetable or animal, was formed of dust;
a mineral, vegetable or animal, was formed of dust;
Spirit alone fashions all things. Birth, decay and death,
are a personal sense of things, not their idea; man and
the universe are complete and eternal in Intelligence,
and nothing can exist out of that.
This corroborates the state-
This corroborates the state-
ment in science, that Truth, Life and Love had fully
wrought out the infinite and eternal idea named the
universe and man; also, that error the opposite of Truth,
was about to claim a work independent of God, in
which matter instead of Spirit should be the creator.
The Truth, and science of being were already recorded,
but error was now to make a reversed statement of man
and the universe, viz., that Life, Intelligence, and Sub-
stance belong to matter, that Soul is in body, God a
person, man a second Intelligence, and evil a third.
This error was belief, and belief not mind, but a suppo-
sition of mind, not Soul, but what is termed personal
sense, not Spirit, but intelligent matter, all of which is
a myth. "These are the generations of the heavens and
the earth, when they were created, in the day that the
Lord God made the earth and heavens," in other words,
when Spirit was the creator. Generations signified the
manifold ideas of Intelligence, and Life.
"And God made every plant of the field before it was
"And God made every plant of the field before it was
in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew,
for the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the earth,
and there was not a man to till the ground."
again, is the undeniable statement that Intelligence is
the only creator; also, that it produces vegetation, not
through processes of culture or in obedience to what are
termed laws of nature, but in obedience to Spirit; God
termed laws of nature, but in obedience to Spirit; God
made the plant before it grew; no partnership with
matter is here acknowledged, and man was the idea of
Spirit, and this idea tilled not the ground for bread;
the Life of idea was its Principle; hence man could not
die of starvation, or dyspepsia. The time cometh when
we must all learn this science of being, in order to gain
its harmony and immortality, even as we have already
learned that the opposite belief of Life and Intelligence
in matter, produces mortality, it being a belief of sin,
Sickness and death.
The record of creation in Genesis repeats three times,
The record of creation in Genesis repeats three times,
"In the day that the Lord God made them," indicating
there was a time coming when another creation should
declare itself the author of man. That creation was
the history of Adam and his progeny, or mythological
life in matter. After God created man, "there was
not a man to till the ground," because there was no
necessity of it; the earth brought forth spontaneously,
and man lived not because of matter, and earth was
blessed for his sake, so unlike the curse that came with
Adam, error. Spirit was the producer of harmony
only, and Life self-sustained; therefore man was not
to live because he ate much or little, giving no oppor-
tunity for gluttony or poverty, to mar the work of Wis-
dom. Man needed not to cultivate the soil, that matter
might produce itself, nor to presume himself on the
prerogative of creator. Spirit was the Life and creator
of all, and its work was complete, and beyond the power
of matter to destroy; all things were made when com-
prehended by Intelligence. Soul had all in its own pos-
session, and there was no personal sense to do the work