Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter IV - Creation


brings to light the harmony and immortality of man.
Error claims Life in matter, hence the creator a propa-
gating vitality in vegetable and animal; and this error
was the original sin, it being a belief of God in matter,
or matter without God. This was the Adam, so totally
depraved, insomuch as it claimed Life, Intelligence and
Truth, that alone was God. Thinking to put Intelli-
gence and Life in matter reversed the order of science,
giving matter dominion over man. Intelligence mul-
tiplies the ideas of God only by destroying the belief
of vitalized matter, for one is science and the other
sense; one the Truth of being, the other its error;
creative Intelligence was never transferred from Soul
to sense, or from God to man.
We learn from the science of being that Spirit, inde-
pendent of the so-called laws of matter, throws off its
idea in every formation that is real or immortal. There
is no material law that creates and governs man, or that
man should obey; obedience to spiritual law is all that
God requires, and this law abrogates matter, and makes
the body idea, and as such harmonious and immortal.
"And God said, behold, I have given you every herb
bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth,
and every tree in the which is the fruit of a tree yield-
ing seed,"
(the good fruit was not Substance but the idea
of God,)
"to you it shall be for meat."
To understand
that Life is Spirit, is this idea, and it consisteth not in
the things man eateth; it is the Truth of man that
makes man immortal. But the poor belief that Life is
supported by bread or meat, makes matter his master,
and man mortal, however much he may eat. Truth is
the immortality of man, and error the only mortality;
immortality is Soul, and not sense; matter can neither
give nor take away Life. The Scripture saith, "Man
liveth by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth
of God," and this is not material bread, but that which
comes from heaven, harmony, giving its idea, immor-
tality. We know the belief of Life in matter is sus-
tained by eating, drinking, etc., because it reverses the
order of creation, and predicates Life on matter instead
of Spirit.
"And every herb bearing seed, and every tree in the
which is the fruit of a tree, was given man."
idea of God (and this was man) was superior to earth,
because it was the supreme idea, that embraced the
entire universe in itself, and to which all others were
subordinate. In this science of being, the herb bore seed
and the tree fruit, not because of root, seed, or blossom,
but because their Principle sustained these ideas, not
as Substance, but idea, for Intelligence held dominion
over matter. Reproduction is the result not of seed or
soil, but the Principle of man and the universe, that
produces through Intelligence. "And to every beast
of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, etc., wherein
is Life, was given every green herb for meat." Unto
every belief of Life in matter, the green herb symbol-
izing the immature and imperfect was apportioned, for
this belief was error and must draw its nutriment from
the "tree of knowledge," whereof if a man eat he
should die.
"And God saw every thing that He had made, and
behold it was very good."
Mark the distinction be-
tween the things produced by Spirit, and those sup-
posed to be material products. Adam was sinful and
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