Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter IV - Creation


and Life, on sense instead of Soul; on matter, rather
than Spirit, hence the insufficiency he finds in himself,
or personal man. But looking away from sense to Soul,
and taking the Principle of Life to demonstrate man,
we regain the understanding of our God-being, and
instead of vain repetitions, such as heathen use, made
to a far-off, personal Deity to aid this hour, we must
put our finger to our lips, remembering that Spirit
knoweth, while personal sense knoweth not, what man
hath need of. "The Father of the rain, who hath be-
gotten the dew, and bringeth Mazzaroth in his season,
and guides Arcturus with his sons," knows the wants
of every one of its ideas, and controls man and the
universe in harmony and immortality. If only we real-
ized this glorious Truth, it would silence sense, and
leave the body in the hands of Soul, where all would
be well with it. Man has no Intelligence wherewith
to govern man, however much he may say, "I have
made a covenant with my eyes" etc. Personal views
of the Supreme Intelligence are so bigoted, or narrow
and inverted, they neither reach Principle nor represent
it, but appeal to a personal God of whom we have
heard through the hearing of the ear. Eye hath not
seen Spirit, nor hath ear heard its voice. Reverse this
order of things, and above the appeal to a man-God, lift
thyself to the Wisdom and Love that maketh the God‑
man, and you will at length reach Christianity. Denying
sense, and holding no Intelligence in matter, we have
the guidance of Spirit leading in the way everlasting,
where the belief of supreme being changes from person
to Principle. Job said, after the withdrawal of all his
matter-treasures, "I have heard of Thee by the hearing
of the ear, but now mine eye seeth thee." Personal man
is only an atom in immensity, therefore the impersonal
Life and Love, that embrace all things, cannot be found
in him; we must look outside of man for Life and
Love, for, "it is not in man that walketh to direct his
steps." Reckoning ourself from the standpoint of Soul,
instead of personal sense, we progress as spontaneously
as light emits light: but reversing this order of science,
in which man begins in the body, and looks there for
both pain and pleasure, yea, for Life and for death, he
retrogrades hourly, until he finally disappears in what
is termed death. The evidence of personal sense, or
Life in matter, is utterly reversed in science, wherein
we learn there is neither a personal God nor a personal
man. But here do you say, you "have taken away my
Lord," and "I know not where you have laid him," I
have lost my Maker and my own identity? Look away
then from your body, and you will find them; let go
the belief you live in matter, and you will grow as the
bird that bursts from the ovum; personality will be
swallowed up in the boundless Love that shadows forth
man; and beauty, immortality, and blessedness, be the
glorious proof of existence you recognize. This is not
losing man nor robbing God, but finding yourself more
blessed, as Principle than person, as God than man, as
Soul than sense, and yourself and neighbor one. This
science of being lessens not the dependence of man on
God, but heightens it; neither does it diminish the
high obligations of man towards God, but greatly in-
creases them; it deteriorates not in the least from
every possible perfection in God, because ascrib-
ing all to the impersonal Life, Love, and Truth.
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