Chapter I - Natural Science
power supposed to belong to matter, are constituents
power supposed to belong to matter, are constituents
of mind; knowledge gives these properties to matter,
but science gives them to Intelligence, the Principle of
all; to find inherent properties in matter that act inde-
pendent of mind is impossible. There is no inertia in
Intelligence; but science alone determines whence com-
eth action, from its harmonious Principle, i.e., from
Soul to body, or from belief prolific of error.
Science reveals all action proceeding from God, the
Science reveals all action proceeding from God, the
universal cause that produces harmony only; and that
discord, sickness, sin, and death, are neither action, nor
being, but beliefs, or error. The absence of Truth, we
name error, but whence cometh error, from God? No;
"the same fountain sendeth not forth sweet and bitter
water." Error is not an idea, it has neither Principle,
nor identity; it is not definable as a person, place, or
thing; as an agent, or actor; and being without sub-
stance, Life, or Intelligence, and neither Principle nor
identity, we learn it came not! but is illusion. Again,
what is belief? Nothing real or true, and to under-
stand this is the only fact concerning it. Sickness, sin,
and death, all that is the opposite and absence of God,
is belief and error presupposing good and evil in mat-
ter and man. But is the question answered, whence
cometh belief? It has no origin, it is neither Principle
nor idea; but illusion, without any real cause or creation.
We say disease is a reality, and identity, but science
We say disease is a reality, and identity, but science
finds it a belief only; disappearing with mortality, and
cognizant only to personal sense; not to Soul. "God
made all that was made;" there is but one Principle
and its infinite idea; harmony and immortality that
belong to man, are perceived through spiritual sense, but
not personal. Belief has no Intelligence, having neither
not personal. Belief has no Intelligence, having neither
Principle nor understanding, therefore it is error, and
error is the so-called mind of mortal man! totally de-
praved, sinning, suffering, and dying; this is the ab-
sence of God. Man has no mind in matter; the
belief that he has, is error. There is but one Intelli-
gence, even God, the infinite Love, Truth, and Life;
and God is not man. Matter is not intelligent; brains
are not mind; and man is not Soul, a separate God or
Intelligence. Jesus laid much stress on this point:
"Thou shall have no other gods before Me;" while
we daily behold in belief the zeal of error to gain the
opposite point, viz.: "I will make ye as gods."
Science informs us immortal mind is Spirit; but per-
Science informs us immortal mind is Spirit; but per-
sonal sense would have mind both Spirit and matter; a
moral impossibility. Spirit cannot act through matter,
they are diametrically opposed to each other, and never
mingle; personal sense is the only foundation for the
theory that Spirit and matter mingle, and time and
eternity are wearing away this support. Mind is not
confined to organization, nor limited by materiality.
Immortal mind is the atmosphere of Soul pervading
Immortal mind is the atmosphere of Soul pervading
all space; and regarding even "the sparrow's fall;" no
power can compress it within a skull-bone! matter con-
fines it not, the strongest barrier opposed to Intelligence
is as nothing; the only clog, or limit given mind, is mor-
tal belief, error's synonym; understanding constructs
not, and has no cognizance of limits; it is finite belief that
would limit mind; and there is no finite Intelligence.
There is finite error, that pre-supposes mind in matter;
but this is the evil and not the good, the belief and not
the reality; yea, the error, and not the Truth of man.