Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter III - Spirit and Matter


anatomy of him, calling bones, sinews, head, heart, etc.,
man. These theories cannot be true, if man is immor-
tal, and science and revelation reveal him the "image
and likeness of God"; man, therefore, is immortal, and
that which is mortal, is not man. If we understood
God we should have reached nearer the Principle that
proves him immortal; our grand mistake is to suppose
man both mortal and immortal. The question arises
at every point of theories, what is Truth? and the
answer to this, Christ built his church upon over eigh-
teen hundred years ago, namely, I am God, and man
is the offspring of Soul and not sense; but this answer
was not understood then, and has since been interpreted
variously. His garment of truth we have rent and
cast lots for, but the answer Jesus accepted as ex-
plaining man and God is the unchanging and eternal
science of being; "Thou art Christ, the son of the
living God," for "I am the Truth and Life," takes
all Intelligence out of matter, and yields no homage
to personality, making Christianity the foundation of
right-thinking and right-acting, and through which
we reach our God-being, and not rites and ceremo-
nies, nor the persecuting clans that would stereotype
progress. Peter said, "Thou art Christ," and on this
statement that Intelligence is Spirit, and not matter,
and that "I," is God, and not man, was built the
church of Christ, the superstructure of Truth and its
demonstration, which was, casting out error and heal-
ing the sick. Jesus reiterated this when saying "I
and the Father are one"; in other words, that "I" sig-
nifies Spirit and not matter, Principle and not person,
and "no man cometh unto the Father" (the under-
standing of this Principle), "but through Me," Truth.
Sin has no foundation when we admit our bodies are
not intelligent. Sickness is without a foothold on this
platform; it is the Truth of man that destroys per-
sonal sense; therefore, that alone can destroy sickness,
sin, and death. The mission of Jesus was to separate
material belief from spiritual understanding, and to
show that Truth never mixes with error. Good and
evil, Spirit and matter, are separate now and forever.
Jesus knew we must understand this, or never reach
the harmony of being. This is the science of Life that
enables us to come out from the world and be sepa-
rate; to reach the moral distance between Life that is
Spirit and the supposed life of matter, and we apart
from all that is sickness, sin, or death. This is the
Truth that brings to light immortality. Jesus knew
personal sense was error, and that there is no personal
sense or Intelligence in matter; therefore that all the
reports of this sense are chimeras that the Truth of
being overthrows. This advanced standard of being
is not yet understood, although it is over eighteen
centuries ago that Jesus taught it, and they received
not his sayings. Science, not personal sense, Prin-
ciple and not person, understanding and not belief,
must interpret Jesus' demonstration; for Truth and
not error, Life and not death, health and not sickness,
is its Principle. In order to follow Christ, Truth, we
must show by our example, what Truth demonstrates;
namely, that it casts out error and heals the sick; and
then shall we fulfill the prediction of Jesus when he
said, "The works I do ye shall do." The doctrines of
man are not built upon the Rock of Truth; theology
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