Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter III - Spirit and Matter


healing proved matter a fable; showing, despite the
Rabbi's pride, his understanding of God exceeded
theirs. Intelligence is the master of sickness and sin,
else these are immortal, and evil equal to good. Away
with the belief that something outside of himself, over
which he has no control, makes man sick and a sinner,
and finally kills him, but must stop here for it proposes
to carry him no further than perdition. If man is
hopelessly at the control of matter, of sin, and death,
he is annihilated; for error is not immortal. But we
have no faith in the necessity of sin, of sickness, or
death, because God has no part in these. It is impos-
sible to hide behind the plea, "I am not advanced to
this science and higher understanding of Life, therefore
I cannot triumph over sickness, sin, and death." Then
quicken your experiences, for your tardiness is without
excuse. Every day and hour has its demands on man,
saying, "where art thou? hast thou gained some con-
quest over error to-day, or resigned thyself more con-
tentedly to its slavery?"
We do not stand still, but are moving forward or
backward, as time glides on and the centuries repeat
history. If not progressing, we must live over the
past until its poor work is erased, (if we are satisfied
with being wrong, we must become dissatisfied with it;
or if content with having done nothing, we must learn
to loathe our leisure. Undoing, in time or eternity,
the errors of sense, we learn to improve every opportu-
nity to do our work well, and bring our bodies into sub-
jection to Soul. This unwinding one's ways, learning
from experience, and partitioning between error and
Truth, means something. Nothing short of the suffer-
ing that comes of sin will turn man away from it;
therefore, "He chasteneth those whom He loveth."
Wisdom lets alone the "greatest sinner" for a period,
until the awakening cometh, when he must pay the
uttermost farthing. Those perceiving the demands of
the science of being, and refusing obedience thereto,
"will be beaten with many stripes." To heal the sick
with Truth, we must understand what is right, and
what is wrong, hypocrisy is impossible in science,
and be master of sin, to control your own or another's
body in science. Neither a mere mental process of
healing, nor manipulation is the science of being; it is
sheer folly and ignorance of its Principle to say you can
heal scientifically, and be a hypocrite; this is the great-
est mistake of all.
Graham's system, hydropathy, physiology, etc., were
considered improvements on allopathy, because they
employed less drugs; but if drugs are abstractly the
antidotes for disease, why consider it a step in progress
to diminish their quantity, especially when sickness
increases? Surrendering, in any direction, the control
we should hold over our bodies causes disease, and a
demand for drugs does this, by giving reins to matter
instead of Spirit. To transfer our own power into the
hands of matter is destructive to the science of being
that employs Intelligence alone to control the body, and
remedy all the ills that flesh is heir to. The science of
being purifies mortal mind, even as impurity is destroyed
in matter by the introduction of some cleansing agent.
When Truth reaches the mind, the body manifests the
effects of an alterative, proving it is mind that moves
matter even though we place this mental weight in the
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