Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter III - Spirit and Matter


us the science of being, and it became necessary to test
it, we healed in every instance. When an individual
highly spiritual comes in contact with us, we feel re-
freshed and strengthened, and vice versa. But our
experiences will reveal fully the inevitable persecu-
tions, false accusations, unworthy students, etc., that
hinder the footsteps of science; "our heritage is unto
us as a speckled bird; and birds round about would
devour us." When we became as it were an involun-
tary detective, the good drawn to us and the evil re-
pelled, we took this loving hint from our Father to
work out a rule for understanding individual character,
the evil of which was at first well-nigh hidden from
us, and now recognize the hand that has bestowed all
these experiences.
Motive and act are not appreciated until the general
thought reaches their stand-points, and sees the earthly
sacrifice they demand, or until the individual we bless
is ready for the blessing.
The science of being not more palpably reverses the
evidences of personal sense than unspiritual individuals
put a false construction on its explanations; but the
time cometh when all, from the least unto the greatest,
must understand the Truth of being, and bring their
bodies into harmony with its requirements. Though
error has both field and forum to-day, Truth is gradu-
ally changing the material universe; understanding this
we yield patient obedience to a patient God, and labor
on, for the redemption of man is precious. Those in
former years inspired of God, healed the sick and cast
out devils, error, but the point is unsettled in our own
mind whether they really understood how they did this,
having left no explanation of it; perhaps like natural
musicians they caught the tones of moral and spiritual
science without being able to explain them. The Bible
that contains it all has been our only text-book; we
found, also, the Scriptures have both a literal and spir-
itual import, but the latter was the especial interpreta-
tion we received, and that taught us the science of Life
outside of personal sense. We learned the Principle
of being must be understood to make man right, and
that this was a step infinitely beyond the power of
faith; it was "to know in whom we have believed,"
to comprehend through Christian experience the way
to health and holiness, to Truth and Life. To reach
this Horeb height where God is understood, even in
part, we must be growing purer; we cannot perceive
the Principle of Science without this, "for none but
the pure in heart shall see God." Purity is the baptism
of Soul, – "the answering of a good conscience," for a
clean Spirit washes the body of all foulness, and signi-
fies such only as understand Truth. As soon may a
camel go through the eye of a needle, as man carry the
filth of the flesh into the kingdom of heaven, the reign
of harmony; we cannot learn harmony of discords;
then wherefore seek in mortal bodies the glorious sense
or proof of Truth, Life and Love? These are not in
matter, not in the body, or personal sense, and it is
only a question of time when we shall all learn this;
eternity will reveal it to all.
"Cutting off right hands and plucking out eyes"
means to become spiritual. Denying sense is the way to
the joys of Soul, and until belief gives place to the spirit-
ual understanding that Intelligence is not in matter, we
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