Chapter II - Imposition and Demonstration
disciples, or contemporaries, and yet he tested these
disciples, or contemporaries, and yet he tested these
teachings, and demonstrated their Principle. To con-
clude man and the universe are governed in general by
material law, but occasionally that Spirit walks over
this law, and holds the control in its own hands, is to
divide the capacity of Omnipotence and Wisdom with
matter, and to give the latter the more general claim.
These are the false conclusions of belief; understanding
rebels at such folly, mortal belief produces and governs
all that sins, suffers and dies. There is but one law and
but one law-giver, the former is science, the latter God,
Soul, the only Life, substance, and Intelligence of man
and the universe; and not in the least dependent on mat-
ter conditions, or acting by reason of them, but destroy-
ing them all. This Truth knocks at the door of history;
it is for us to say whether we will open and receive it.
Materia medica, hygiene, physiology, creeds and ritu-
Materia medica, hygiene, physiology, creeds and ritu-
alism will lose their power for good or evil, when man
loses his belief in them, and makes Life its own proof
of harmony and God. That which is right is immortal,
and the opposite of right is mortal. When Truth lays
its hand on error to wipe it out, all will be growing
immortal; but before the final doom of error there will
be interruptions in what we call the order of nature,
and earth will become dreary and desolate. Not that
summer and winter, seed-time and harvest shall utterly
cease, before the final spiritualization of all things, but
that their order will be interrupted, owing to the change
in belief.
The next step in progress is to learn how mind con-
The next step in progress is to learn how mind con-
trols matter, and how to destroy error. The science of
being emancipates man from belief, giving him under-
standing, through which his harmony and immortality
standing, through which his harmony and immortality
are obtained. There is neither mortal mind, nor sub-
stance-matter; mind is the emanation and atmosphere
of Principle, and not person; it proceeds from God,
and not man, from Spirit, and not matter, from Soul,
and not sense; therefore mind is not in mortality, and
man has not a separate mind from Deity, for that would
make other Intelligences, and there would be more
than one God. When Truth is admitted, and thinking
brains and intelligent bodies are found a myth, then
will the harmony and immortality of man and the uni-
verse appear. When we learn matter has neither
Intelligence, substance, nor Life; and neither suffers
nor enjoys; disease will be found a belief only, and
healed by destroying this belief, and giving man the
understanding of himself. Personal sense contradicts
the science of being, and so do dreams contradict the
daily experiences of sense; personal sense and science
are opposites, that dispute each other. In dreams you
fly, or meet a far-off friend, and hold your body with
your mind, carrying it through the air, or over the
ocean, and this dream of sleep is nearer man's being in
science, than the waking dream of Life in matter;
because personal sense governs it less.
The era of science comes in on this statement and
The era of science comes in on this statement and
its proof; viz., that all is mind, and there is no matter.
Sickness, sin, and death are creations of mortal mind,
that Life, and Truth destroy. Order and beauty ema-
nate from the mind of Soul, that is immortal; and the
scientific statement that all is mind, will gain its first
proofs in healing the sick on this Principle. A single
demonstration of this is important evidence.