Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter II - Imposition and Demonstration


sons; and man receives, or rejects it; but a prayer or
tear changes not divine economy, or eternal order. Sin
shuts out light and blessings, and is the author of all
tears and prayers. Wisdom helps those only who help
themselves, and cannot bless evil; it destroys sin only
as man gives up sin, acting in this direction only as we
act. We have seen patients who could not be healed
through science, until they gave up the belief of medi-
umship, and controlled their own bodies; for man is not
governed in science except by his own Spirit.
Harmonious man is governed by the Principle of be-
ing; the inharmonious by a belief of personality; there-
fore, the folly to desire personal control that leads into
all error; there is no Truth except Principle, the one
God, and thou shouldst "have no other."
We learn in science that God and His idea are all
that is immortal; but mediumship would establish the
immortality of error. Science reveals progression only,
but mediumship retrogression. Should a pupil continue
in the primary school, when fitted for a higher school?
If the departed are unfit for the advanced understand-
ing of Life through which they take a spiritual place in
the scale of being beyond us why impose their igno-
rance on us as oracular; and think mediumship privi-
leged to be a strainer for error. That the so-called dead
return to torment us, or to comfort us, or to seek aid
from us, is but a belief and error. When wandering in
Australia, are you seeking comfort, or giving support
to another, dwelling in the snow-caverns of the Esqui-
maux? Two different dreams, or different awakenings,
separate consciousness. What is named mediumship is
a phenomenon of belief, without reality, or science; and
we ought to know the consequences of launching into
new and stronger fellowship with error, when we are
already in it up to our necks.
In an age of sin and sensuality hastening to greater
development of power, 'tis fearful to consider the influ-
ence of belief without more honesty and understanding
to steer clear of the fearful shoals on this dangerous and
unexplored coast. The peril of Salem witchcraft even
is not past, until that error be met by the understanding
and destroyed; not the gallows, but explanation, de-
stroys error. Science must be allowed to explain this
phenomenon of belief, in contradistinction to that of
Truth and Intelligence controlling man. An evil and
artful mind is all the satan there is; and this is the fal-
len angel, or abused capacity; such a mind learning its
control over other minds, will take the reins into its
teeth, and Truth alone must take them out and guide
it; as of old this mind works its spell in some manner
on all it would harm, because the barriers against evil
influences from such a source are not understood by the
world in general, and the door is not readily closed
against them. To this end metaphysics are important;
study mind more and matter less, for we must find ref-
uge in Soul, to escape the error of the latter days; and
mediumship and mesmerism more than all else contri-
bute to a terrible future development of discord. We
should strongly insist on the majesty of Truth, and its
control over error; and begin to-day denying right or
reality to aught but God, and the true idea; saying,
"depart from me all ye that work iniquity;" and thus
break up the reign of error, and let the world of har-
mony and Truth re-appear. If spirit-returns were pos-
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